26 | Mendacious

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Severus could see how nervous you were that night, as it had been quite some time since you last saw your parents. He knew how much you dreaded to come, but considering that it was your family's party, you decided to go to spare the embarrassment of your parents in front of their guests if their only daughter did not show up. 

"I'm right by your side, darling."

He assured you, as both of you apparated to your family's home. His heart was at ease upon seeing a smile on your face, but he would be lying if he say that he was not nervous as well. He was about to see your parents, and even if you were no longer care about what they were thinking about you anymore, Severus still wanted to impress them, knowing how much it would mean to you.

He could hear voices and laughter coming out of the huge mansion, and he frowned, feeling as if their joy was staged instead of being genuine. Severus had been to too many parties hosted by the Malfoys to know that those prestigious guests had to be proud for who they were, blood purity and all, and it made his head pounded as he was about to become one of them once he stepped inside.  

The closer he was to the mansion, the harder he felt to breathe, and he quickly glanced at you who was on his arm. His heart soared with love, and he reminded himself that he was doing this for you. He also wanted to show your parents that you were not unlovable, and that you finally found your soulmate who loved you with all of his heart. You would never be a burden to him, and Severus needed your parents to see how wrong they were about you.

"Are you ready, love?"

You asked, looking up at him. Severus nodded, ignoring the rapid beating of his heart when both of you walked into your parents' home which was crowded with their guests.

You sucked in a deep breath, feeling almost all eyes on you, and you did not miss the shock on their faces when they noticed you were coming with Severus. Surely, everyone recognised you, and they were not expecting you to come with the Hogwarts professor.

Severus hated the attention on him. He knew most of them were looking at him because he came with you, and they were curious about you, but he could feel their judgemental stares on him and he despised it. You could feel the nerves radiating off your soulmate, and instinctively, you squeezed his arm softly.

"Just ignore them. Let's find my parents."

His heart melted at your soft gaze and he nodded, letting pride swelled in his chest when he realised he had a beautiful woman on his arm, and you were his soulmate. He could not care less about the guests, as he knew they must be questioning why would you come with him instead of any other man.

"Well, Severus. I wasn't expecting to see you here."

The Potions Master could recognise his friend's posh voice anywhere, and it bothered him a bit that Lucius Malfoy was also there at the party. It was safe to say that his friend knew almost everything about you, since Severus could not stop talking about you every time they met.

"Y/N L/N, finally I can meet the woman who stole Severus Snape's heart."

You smiled when he reached out for your hand, leaving a kiss on your knuckles, only to receive an irritated glare from Severus.

"It's good to finally see you, Mr Malfoy."

You let out a chuckle, knowing that they were good friends with each other. Lucius gave a knowing smile to his best friend, and it was amusing to see how lovesick Severus was with you.

"Please call me Lucius. I've known your family for quite some time but I didn't know they have such a lovely daughter."

He pointed out, and you had to force a smile. It was not odd to know that your parents were not really keen in showing you off to the world. It was always that way since you were young. If people knew about you, then they did. But if they did not, your parents would not even bother to tell them that they had a child.  

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