7 | Divulgence

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The students were not in the Great Hall yet, as it was still early for breakfast but the teachers were already there, and they could not help but wonder if you were fine. It worried them to see you walking out of the hall, looking glum, when you used to look so happy.

Severus was there too, but he distanced himself from hearing them talking about you, when he knew he was the reason you stormed out of the Great Hall last night. He never expected you to leave, and he pondered if he said too much, but that did not mean he regretted his words.

"Severus, what did you do to Y/N?"

He rolled his eyes when Minerva came to him, a frown was plastered on her face. He knew she would ask him out of all people, and he was not planning to be blamed for your vulnerability.

"I didn't do anything."

He responded, his monotone voice could deceive other people but not Minerva when she could see the hidden guilt in his eyes.

"You're feeling guilty, Severus."

She pointed out, her frown turned into a smirk when she saw colours drained from Snape's face, but he was quick to look away from her to compose himself.

"I'm not guilty of anything, Minerva."

He retorted, and he noticed Minerva was smiling at him, and he could see something in her eyes, as if she felt for him, and he hated it when she did that. She always tried to look out for him, and yet, he wanted her to ignore his feelings just once, especially when it came to you.

"You don't have to mask your feelings with your heartless actions and words, because we both know you have a heart, Severus."

Her words silenced him, and he opened his mouth to say something but he could not think of anything as Minerva tore her gaze from him, letting him to think of his own doing towards you.

But then his attention was diverted towards the door when you walked in, a smile was painted on your face and there was a spring in your steps, as if nothing happened during dinner yesterday, like you never walked out of the Great Hall with a heavy heart after what he said to you, and it bewildered him.

"Y/N, are you alright?"

Your eyes widen when the teachers bombarded you with questions, asking if you were fine. You calmed them down and nodded, assuring them you were alright. Perhaps they were concerned when you walked out last night, but you were not lying when you said you were doing fine. You woke up this morning with a smile, and you did not want to change anything about it.

"There's nothing wrong with me, Minerva. I promise you."

You had to assure her a few times when the older witch looked so worried. Your heart was warmed at the thought of the teachers caring about you so much, and your fire to start the day was ignited right away, forgetting about Severus' harsh words.

Of course, it pained you to hear him think of you so lowly, but then you managed to comfort yourself like you always did, wiping your own tears and walking into a new day with a smile. Severus' words stung, but you did not let them linger in your head for long before they disappeared from your mind for good. There was no use of letting his words hung over your head, when you believed in yourself more than you believed in him.

Sitting down next to Severus, he knitted his eyebrows together when he realised there are other empty seats but you chose to sit beside him. You always sighed in frustration when you had to sit there, but now as he looked at you, you were smiling and there was not a hint of annoyance in your eyes.

"You're finally here, Professor L/N. I thought you would want to sulk in your room and think about what I said to you last night. I meant every word."

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