22 | Love Hex

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Dropping your quill on the table, you put your head in your hands, a wistful sigh was escaping your lips. You could no longer grade your students papers enthusiastically, as your conversation with Hagrid was flooding into your mind, reminding you that your relationship with Severus was not on the best term.

Severus hurt you, and it was hard for you to forgive him but you knew you had hurt him too. Guilt was swarming your heart and you did not know how to approach your soulmate after what you said to him, and when you stormed out of your office that day, as if he meant nothing to you when he was your whole world.

"Why can't you forgive him, Y/N?"

Hagrid inquired, as he prepared some tea for you. He knew your heart was troubled as soon as you stepped inside of his home without a smile on your face. And when you told him what happened between you and Severus, he could only give you a smile, knowing how guilty both of you must felt.

"I want to forgive him, Hagrid. But I'm afraid if he will just keep hurting me."

You stood up from your chair, a frown found its way on your face.

"You are hurting him too, Y/N."

At Hagrid's words, you were taken aback. There was no words could be utter from your mouth as you knew it was true.

"I didn't mean to hurt him."

"Severus didn't mean to hurt you too, but why can't you forgive him?"

Hagrid questioned, raising his eyebrows whilst he poured tea into your cup. You nodded weakly, swallowing his words, realising that it was not that hard to forgive your soulmate when you were to be blamed too.

"Do you think I should talk to him?"

Hagrid just shrugged, handing you a cup of tea with a knowing smile on his face. You were not sure if talking to Severus was a good thing to do now, but it was what your heart wanted, and the last time you did not listen to it, you ended up arguing with your soulmate.

"I think I'll talk to him."

That was what you said yesterday, and you still had not met Severus yet. Staring at the scattered papers on your table, your head pounded lightly as you were contemplating whether you needed to see him or not.

It was so difficult to stay away from him when your soul was intertwined with his, and all you wanted was to be by his side forever. And you knew you could not distance yourself from him any longer as it was breaking your heart into two to know that your soulmate was somewhere in the school ground, dejected, without you.


You were shook from your train of thoughts when your office door was opened, and Minerva rushed in, panic was evident in her eyes.

"What's wrong?"

You walked over to her, fear started to crawl over your chest as you could feel something bad was happening. You could only pray that it was not happening to your dear soulmate. There was an odd feeling, stringing in your mind, telling you that Severus was troubled.

"Severus is hurt. He is the hospital wing now."

It was as if air was forced out of your lungs, trying to process what Minerva was telling you about Severus. She tried to explain the situation to you as best as she could without causing fear to engulf you, as she knew how strong your soulmates bond was, and it would be utterly heartbreaking to know that Severus was hurt.

"A few students came to find me and Severus, telling us that they saw two Slytherins hexing each other. When we found the students, one of them was throwing a spell at the other, and he was unaware, causing Severus to intervene and all I know that Severus is hurt while protecting the other boy."  

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