17 | Epiphany

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Since Remus Lupin came to Hogwarts, Severus was wrecked. He felt like he was losing his only friend, his soulmate, his everything, and yet, you were too oblivious to see how devastated he was every time you smiled at Remus, tearing his heart out of his chest.

Remus was quite subtle in showing his feelings towards you that you could not help but think that he was just being friendly with you, and nothing more than that. But Snape could see right through his colleague, and anger rose in his chest every time he saw Remus' loving gaze on you.

It was getting worse for Severus because every time he tried to speak to you about Remus, you would be defending the Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, instead of thinking about how offended he was about it. You looked up to Remus so much that sometimes Severus started to think if he would ever get a chance to be with you.    

The last argument he had with you was about Remus, and to think that you and him were slowly getting back into the old routine of fighting and arguing about everything was clouding Severus' mind in guilt and horror of losing you again. 

"Can you please stop talking about Remus?"

You snapped, pinching the bridge of your nose as you plopped down in a chair across his table. You went to his office to spend some time with him, and all he did was warning you to be cautious with Lupin, making you feel as if you were not capable in taking care of yourself.

"I'm looking out for you, Y/N."

Severus sighed, dropping his quill on the table as he could no longer focus on his work when you were glaring at him, as soon as he brought up Lupin into the conversation.

"I know, Severus. But I'm here to talk about you, not about him."

You were hoping that he would appreciate your presence there, instead of nagging you about how careless you were around Lupin. Severus never realised it, but you were getting tired of hearing his advices, when all you wanted was to have some decent conversation with your soulmate. 

"I just want you to be careful around him, Y/N."

He reminded you, for the thousandth time, and it was enough for you to let your rage fog your mind. And before you could know it, your colleague's secret was spilling out of your mouth.

"But why, Severus? Is it because he is a werewolf?"

You fumed, and his eyes grew wide, realising that Lupin's huge secret was no longer a secret to you.

"I know about his condition, Severus."

You added, only for Severus to think of how meaningful you were in Lupin's life, until he was able to tell you about his condition, even if the professor just met you for a few months. 

"He told you?"

He asked, more to a statement than a question, watching as you stood up from your chair, ready to leave his office before either of you could say something that you might regret later. You nodded, smiling weakly at your soulmate, the one who still held your heart in his hands.

"He did. He trusts me, Severus."

His heart clenched, seeing you walked out of his office, without looking back towards him.

Severus let out a wistful sigh, pushing the dreadful memories of his argument with you to the back of his mind, as his students walked out of the classroom. He wanted to take his things and leave the classroom immediately, as he knew you would not be coming to see him.

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