13 | Black Lake

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The school ground was not flooded with students as most of them were already on the train home. They had two weeks of break from school and of course they did not want to spend it in Hogwarts, if they had much better things to do at home. It was not the same case for a few students who decided to stay and study, but they were not lingering around the school ground as they only stayed in the library or their dormitories.

Thus the silence was something that the dark haired professor loved, without having to hear his students bickering about foolish things, and without needing to keep some of them in detention. He got to have his time for himself now that he did not have classes to teach, despite a bunch of papers which was waiting to be graded in his office. 

But truthfully, as the holiday started, Severus was only thinking of one thing, that he would be missing you if you went back home for the holiday.

He was getting used to being your friend, finally having someone to talk to and to listen to. You were such a good friend to him, the one he never knew he needed, and the fact that you were his soulmate was making things a lot better and much meaningful for him. Now he was not sure if he could go on a day without seeing your smile.

It was ironic for him to feel as if his world revolved around you now, when he used to convince himself that he hated you with all of his heart, but now he just wanted to be with you all the time.

Thinking that you might already on your way home now, Severus was contemplating to get out of bed. His fire to start the day died down when the thought of eating his breakfast alone was fogging his head. He was not a person who had a proper meal during the weekend, let alone during a long holiday because of his schedule, but since you became his friend, you made sure he did not skip his meals during the weekends.

Severus felt guilty to skip his breakfast now, knowing that you would be concerned if he did it. Sighing, he got out of his bed and decided to go and eat his breakfast.

He was not sure why he was feeling this way every time you were away from him, and he despised it, making him feel as if he was not strong enough without you, but at the same time he also adored it, making him feel like his heart was beating.

He almost dragged his feet towards the Great Hall, and his heart dropped when he saw you standing in his way, smiling at him. Without thinking twice, he walked over to you, a huge smile was painted on his face.

"Y/N, I thought you already went home."

He said, approaching you with excitement bubbling in his chest. If you did not go home, it meant that he would get to spend his time with you during the holiday, and he was going to treasure these two weeks properly. 

But you did not say anything to him, and his eyes widen when you vanished into the thin air when he tried to hold your hand. A scoff escaped his mouth when he realised that you were a just a fragment of his imagination, and his soul was missing yours way too much that his brain was playing a part in tricking his poor heart.

"What's happening to you, Severus?"

He muttered under his breath, cold sweats started to form on his forehead as he shook his head and looked around, hoping that no one was there to witness what he just did. Luckily, no one saw him trying to hold your invisible hand, and Severus quickly walked towards the Great Hall before his head could lie to him once again.

Walking into the Great Hall with a heavy heart, he saw you there, and you were eating your breakfast. He blinked his eyes a few times, cursing himself for being so attached to you now that he was seeing you everywhere, even when you were not there.

"Severus, why are you just standing there?"

Minerva's voice shook him from his thoughts and he looked at the older professor, before his eyes moved towards you who was smiling sweetly at him. Suddenly, he was not sure if it was really you, or his mind was just playing games with him again.

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