4 | One Of Us

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Sighing, you watched as the last students in your class walked out of your classroom, talking among themselves after you took of their house points and sent a few of them to detention with Filch.

It was not something that you liked to do, as you always believed in giving rewards for their positive attitude instead of giving punishments for their negative behaviour, but today your class were a little bit out of control and some of them really deserved detention.

You felt bad, but you knew it was only right to do to make them learn their lessons. You grabbed your things and walked out of your classroom, ready to retreat to your office and bury yourself in a pile of papers to grade. The thought of it was making you dizzy, but it was a part of your job and you had to accept it.

Shutting the classroom door with an inaudible click, you started to walk towards your office, but you stopped and turned around when you heard someone was calling your name. You smiled as the headmaster came towards you, clearly he had something to discuss.

"Are you heading to your office?"

"Yes, is there anything I can help you with?"

You asked, masking your exhaustion with a smile. Albus shook his head, and you wondered what was on his mind.

"It has been a few weeks for you here. Are you having a good time teaching here?"

Your smile widen when you realised he wanted to talk about your classes. Hogwarts was your first workplace as a teacher, but you loved it, of course there would be some issues with students but there was nothing you could not handle by yourself.

"I love teaching here."

Dumbledore seemed to be satisfied with your answer and he nodded, but you knew there was something else that he wished to talk about. You had a feeling it was about Severus, and you were right about it.

"I know Severus has been giving you a hard time. He actually needs his time to accept everything."

You pressed your lips into a thin line and tore your gaze away from the headmaster. You did not talk to Severus since the last time you did, and he pushed you away. But now when you heard his name again, your heart still raced, and as much as you wanted to despise your soulmate, you could not. '

"I know he needs time, but he has been acting like a complete arsehole towards me."

Dumbledore could not help but chuckled at your words, and you realised it was improper to talk about him that way with the school headmaster.

"I'm sorry, it's just I'm tired of seeing him acting like he hates me so much."

It was obvious to you that Snape hated you, and he was going to prove it every day by his stone cold glares and his snarky remarks which were thrown towards your way mercilessly.

"You're not wrong. He was an arsehole when he walked away from you that day. We're on the same page here, Y/N."

Now it was your turn to chuckle at the wizard's words, and suddenly you were reminded of your evening which was ruined when your soulmate decided to walk out and leave you, rejecting you in front of the teachers without thinking about your feelings at all.

"Soon Severus will realise that his heart yearns for you."

Albus said, and you thought he was only trying to make you feel better about everything. Surely, Severus' heart was owned by another, and there was no way he would want you.

"He is in love with another, isn't he?"

You questioned, wanting to have the truth as it was impossible to get it from Severus himself. You could tell Albus would rather have Severus to tell you about it by himself, but he knew the Potions Master would persist to keep it as a secret and leave you in the dark, hence he needed to tell you.

"As far as I've known, he was in love with a woman. Her name was Lily."

You frowned, and Albus could see the questions in your head as soon as he said the name of Severus' past love.

"She died, but Severus can't seem to let her go."

It tugged painfully on your heartstrings when you realised Severus was stuck in his past, and you knew you had to help him to move forward and leave her behind. You truly felt for him, but it did not make yourself entitled to him losing her. It still bewildered you when he blamed you for it, when you did not even know her.

"Have you ever been in love, Y/N?"

You chuckled half-heartedly at his question, and you shook your head, not even once did you ever think it was necessary for you to fall in love with another when you were devoting your whole life to find your soulmate and spend there rest of your life with him.

"Truthfully, I love my soulmate, even before I found out it was Severus."

You dropped your gaze on the ground, realising how absurd you were to spare your love for him, when he carelessly fell in love with another and did not even try to love you for a bit.

"Severus was looking for his soulmate too. But then he fell in love with Lily, and he had to watch her fall in love with her soulmate instead of him. I think it would be a matter of time until he finally realises that his love for Lily was not genuine. Perhaps it was only to persuade himself when he couldn't find you, his soulmate."

You nodded weakly, trying to see things from Severus' point of view. Your heart was still hurting, but now that you knew the reason behind your soulmate's devastation, you tried to understand him.

"Will Severus ever see me as his soulmate?"

You asked, and the headmaster would be lying if your vulnerable question did not break his old heart. He had known Severus for a long time, and he knew the happiness that the younger professor was looking for could only be found when he allowed you to make your way into his heart.

"He will eventually. He has an imperishable bond with you, Y/N. His heart is yours but he just doesn't see it yet."

Albus' comforting words sent a smile upon your face, but deep within your heart, you knew it was not as easy as he made it out to be. Severus did not even want to be your friend, thus you wondered how it was going to work if he could not even look twice at you.

Walking into your office, you groaned when your eyes landed on the papers that were waiting on your table to be graded properly. It was hard being a new teacher, but it was even harder when you just found your soulmate who despised you. How wonderful it would be if Severus did not hate you, you were sure your life here would be much better and easier.

You plopped down on your chair and rubbed the back of your neck, your conversation with Albus rang through your head and you could not get it out, not until you talked to Severus.

But you knew he would not want to talk to you about it, thus you took your quill and decided to write to him. As you wrote to him, you told yourself not to expect for a reply because that was just how it worked with Severus. He would ignore you no matter what you did.

You would never know if he would read your letter, but you could only wish your genuine words would open his eyes to see so much more than his dreadful past.

Dear Severus,

I know what happened with your past love and I'm deeply sorry for it. It must be hard for you, and trust me I would never wish my soulmate to experience such pain in his life. I was not there for you, but I am here now and I want you to see how important this is for me, for you, and for us.

Now before you crumple my letter and throw it away, which I know you are tempted to do, please know that I'm sincere with you and I really want to know you. I'm not asking you to fall in love with me, I just want you to treat me more of a friend rather than a foe. This bond is unbreakable, and it would be a shame if we keep glaring at each other instead of smiling.

I am willing to try and understand you, and I hope you can do the same for me. This will not work if one of us doesn't want to leave the past behind us. There is a whole new future ahead of us and please just let me in, Severus. I'm not here to hurt you, but I'm here as your soulmate, the one you have been looking for.

Yours truly,


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