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You listen carefully as the headmaster briefed about your job, and your excitement was growing bigger as you could not wait to teach your classes tomorrow. You heard that the students liked Professor Flitwick's class, hence replacing him made you determined to continue it that way, catching their interest in learning the subject.

"Do you have any question, Professor L/N?"

You could not help but smiled as Dumbledore addressed you with your professional name, the reality of being a teacher at Hogwarts was sinking into your mind and you loved it.

"No, I don't. Thank you for giving me a chance to teach here."

Albus nodded and glanced at Minerva, who was smiling since you came in. They welcomed you very well, and you felt like home already.

"I believe you're enthusiastic to start teaching."

The older witch asserted, reminiscing about her old days when she started to teach, with zest and enthusiasm in her veins. You were there for a few hours and she already liked you, surely other teachers would adore you too, she thought.

"Have you found your soulmate?"

Her question caught you off guard, and your smile dropped before you composed yourself and shook your head. It surprised you when they were interested to know, but their explanation cleared it all.

"I'm sorry for asking. It's just before this we had a teacher who couldn't be away from her soulmate. It was too painful for her so she resigned. We hope you're here to stay for a long time."

She explained, smiling, and you nodded in understatement.

"I promise you nothing will stop me from working here."

You said, knowing that you really wanted this job and there was nothing could stop you from achieving your dreams, not even your soulmate.

"That's alright, Y/N. Perhaps you'll find your soulmate here."

Albus said, a chuckle escaped his throat. Your smile widen at his words which you did not take seriously, as you never thought you would find your soulmate in the school ground. It was safe to say you were almost giving up on finding the one for you, as it had been too long of living alone.

"Perhaps I will. Who knows, right?"

You did not get to introduce yourself to all teachers as when you walked into the Great Hall with Albus and Minerva, the students were already there, all eyes were on you as they had never seen you before. They whispered among themselves and some of them were smiling at you, making you feel at ease.

As you sat in your chair, you noticed the man who bumped into you earlier. You knew now that you were right, he was one of the teachers. He did not even spare a glance at you whilst the teachers smiled at you, saving all the talking for later once dinner would be over.

You were hoping that he would look at you, so you could introduce yourself properly this time but when he did, you quickly looked away as you felt yourself cowering under his intense gaze. You kept your focus on the headmaster as he began his speech to start the year.

"Welcome to another year of Hogwarts. Now I'd like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast."

The students were listening attentively to Dumbledore, and to see them from the teachers table made you feel a little bit scared with the responsibility that now was relying heavily on your shoulders.

"I'm pleased to welcome Professor Y/N L/N who will fill the post of Charms teacher. Good luck, Professor."

Nerves wrecked your heart as you stood up from your chair, smiling kindly as the students applauded and some of them whistled, much to your surprise. You could see their smiles, and somehow it comforted you to teach tomorrow, even if you could see a few students who were judging you from their seats.

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