14 | Trust

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It was such a huge step for Severus to open up to you at the Black Lake, and to his surprise, he felt much better after that, realising that he needed you to know how he really felt about everything instead of feeding you with devastating lies.

He could tell that you were getting more comfortable with him after he told you the truth. He was slowly building your trust once again and he did not want it to crumble along the way just because of his unnecessary pride. It was a new thing for Severus to talk about his feelings the way he did with you, and it was incredibly hard for him, but it was a change that he was willing to do if it meant he could bring you closer to him.

The school holiday was doing him a favour as he did not have classes to teach, and it meant that he could spend more time with you, giving him a chance to know you more and allowing you to know him too.

Severus knew you still had doubts in your heart, but at least you were giving him a chance, and he loved the idea of having friends now. It gave him a reason to live without having a worry, and it was even more meaningful when you were his friend and his soulmate.

He had a plethora of thoughts swimming in his head when he did not see you in the morning, when you would usually have your breakfast with him. A part of him was telling him that perhaps you wanted some time for yourself, while another was screaming at him to find you, as the holiday was coming to its end and it also meant that he was running out of time to spend with you before the students came back.


The Potions Master curled his hands in fists, his heart almost dropped when Minerva called out his name, as his mind was clouded with the thought of you until he did not realise that Minerva was walking towards him.

"Where is Y/N?"

Minerva asked, frowning when she did not see you with Severus. She noticed how close you were getting with Severus now, and as much as she wanted to ask you more about it, she decided not to, as she was afraid she might destroy something you had with him.

"How should I know?"

Severus cocked his eyebrow, not wanting McGonagall to see how worried he was when you were nowhere to be seen. He knew she would tease him about it, and it was the last thing he needed at the moment. But when Minerva chuckled under her breath, and he knew she was not going to let him go easily.

"Well, out of all people here, I think you should know when it comes to Y/N."

She said, unable to hide her smile when Severus cleared his throat, trying to act as if he was not disturbed by her words.

"Because I saw you talking with Y/N at the lake. I mean, you even gave her your robes. I never knew that you could be so lovely, Severus."

She added, and Severus just wanted the floor to open up and swallow him, so he could get away as soon as possible from his colleague.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

His voice was cold and stern, but Minerva knew him long enough to hear the emotions dripping from his voice, and it brought relief upon her old heart to notice that Severus was slowly opening his heart for you.

"What you did was really sweet, Severus. I just hope you do not break her heart again."

She reminded him, and he nodded weakly, knowing that there was no lying to her face when she had known him for years. Minerva seemed to be satisfied with his response, and she left to her office. Severus stood there, contemplating if he should just continue his day or if he should find you. Sighing, he decided to do the latter as his heart was yearning to see you.

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