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"Y/N, why is Lupin in your room?"

You felt as if you were one of his students who was causing problems around the school ground, when Severus used his authority tone of voice with you, which you had not heard for a long time now. It baffled you when his nerves turned into anger, in a matter of a second when he saw Remus.

"Last night was full moon, Severus."

You said, expecting him to understand what was happening to Lupin. But when he cocked his eyebrow, you sighed, realising that he wanted to hear more about it. You owed him no explanation, but you could not help but explain the situation to him.

"Remus was hurt so he came to me. I'm only helping him."

You added, and only by then Severus noticed that the other professor was injured, and he was not sitting in your bed intentionally. However, it did not help the aching of his heart, and he was puzzled with how calm you were to have Remus there in your room.

"Why didn't he go to the hospital wing?"

He inquired, holding back a scowl. You frowned, annoyed that he was questioning you like you were a student who should be investigated for her wrongdoing. The challenging look on his face was not helping it either, and you did not want to argue with him so early in the morning.

"I'm not dealing with this right now, Severus."

"But you're willing to deal with Lupin?"

He scoffed, and you shook your head in disbelief. He was acting extremely strange and you were tired of him being angry every time Remus was there.

"He is in pain, Severus."

You could not believe that you were arguing about Remus, once again, and it was too early for you to be filled with anger. You did not want to ruin your day just because of a petty argument with your soulmate.

Severus knew you were worried about Remus, and he thought that you were too kind that sometimes he despised it. You cared too much about others until you did not realise their real intentions towards you.

"Why did you want to see me?"

Your eyes softened at him, thinking that he must have an urgent matter to talk to you that he was there. You wanted to stop talking about Remus, knowing that it would only ignite argument with him.

Severus was stunned at your question, and suddenly his courage to tell you about his true feelings was flushed down the drains. He loved you, and he wanted to tell you, but he was not sure if it was the right time anymore since his plan changed drastically when he saw Lupin in your room.

"You can tell me anything, Severus."

Your voice was no longer strained, as you could see Severus' demeanours changed immediately. He looked at you, his heart was spiralled in love and adoration for you, but as he moved his gaze towards the other professor, a frown was etched on his face.

"I'll see you later, Y/N."

He gave you a nod, and the sadness in his eyes did not go unnoticed by you. Before he could leave, you grabbed his wrist, stopping him dead on his tracks. You wondered what was on his mind, and he was acting really weird that morning.

"What's wrong?"

Your voice was so sweet and gentle, as if you were afraid to hurt him with your words, but then he reminded himself that you were talking that way to Remus too and there was nothing special about it. Perhaps you were just being kind to him, just like how you were being kind to Remus.

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