8 | Truth and Tears

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"I don't want to talk about this, Minerva."

Severus stated sternly, walking away from his colleague who insisted to talk about you once again, as if she did not know how much he abhorred it. He had heard enough from Minerva, and it did not help when after a few months you were here, you had stolen the teachers' hearts, making them all rooting for you instead of him.

He was growing tired of it, with people looking at him like he was the villain in your story, and you were the innocent angel who they wanted to protect even if they had to destroy him in the process.

Sometimes he wanted to tell them that you were a manipulative person who came to stain his name, but he never did, because he knew it was not true and as much as he wanted to, he could not bring himself to do such thing as framing you. 

"You're losing her, Severus." 

She said, and his steps came to a halt, he did not know why but the reality of losing you was suffocating him, and for a moment, he believed it was because of the soulmate bond and nothing more than that. His heart was never meant for you.

"I don't care about her."

He muttered, and he clenched his jaw when Minerva stood in front of him, looking him in the eyes.

"This is absurd, Severus. You have been waiting for her for years and now she's here, you're acting like you do not care."

"That is because I do not care about her, Minerva." 

He spat, but the older professor just smiled at him, knowing that his words were not true, no matter how many times he told himself that he did not care, deep down within his heart, he was just afraid to start caring for someone again. 

"Y/N cares about you, long before she even knew who you are."

Minerva was desperate for him to see how important you were to him, and if he ever let you slipped through his fingers, he would not be able to get you back into his arms again. She pressed her lips into a thin when he just scoffed, shrugging her off.

"What does it feel like to be loved, Severus?"

She asked, feeling a little bit guilty for having to struck his nerve with her question. Severus glared daggers at her, he could not believe that she was asking him such an imprudent question, when she knew that in his life, he could only wonder how happy it would make him to feel loved. He longed to know the feeling, but he was not meant for it.   

"You know I cannot answer your question."

He said, almost in a whisper, a broken whisper that could shatter anyone's heart to hear the cold hearted Professor Snape being so vulnerable about love, when he never got a chance to feel loved and adored.

"Let her love you, Severus. She loves you."

It was something so foreign to hear that somebody was loving him, and his instinct drove him to believe that it was nothing more but a mere infatuation, and soon you would find him unwanted and harsh, just like everyone else saw him and he would be left alone again. 

"She doesn't. No one does."

As soon as the words rolled out of his tongue, he regretted them right away, realising how he let his guards down this time, exposing to Minerva of the real reason behind his cold demeanours towards you.

"You think you do not deserve her love, so you want to destroy her life?"

Minerva's words cut deep within his heart, and she almost winced upon seeing hurt flashed through his dark eyes. Severus shook his head, walking away from her as he was afraid if he stayed, he would say something that he would regret later, and he respected her too much to let out his anger because of you.

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