18 | Scars

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Your heart palpitated against your chest as you opened the door, a gasp fell from your lips when you saw him standing in front of your door. You had never seen him so weak and defeated before, that tears pricked in the corner of your eyes as he stumbled on your doorstep.

"Remus, what happened?" 

You put your arm around his waist to help him walk into your room, biting the inside of your cheeks when Remus winced in pain. There was fresh new scars on his face, and your eyes widen when you saw a scar which went from his neck across his chest, and his shirt was bloodied.

"I didn't take enough potion."

His voice was low and exhausted, and you felt so bad that your friend had to be in pain during his full moon transformation. You sat him down on your bed, frantically searching for your wand while your mind was still thinking of healing spells that you could use on him.

You were worried, and you were panicking to see him in so much pain. You knew he should have went to the hospital wing instead of your room, as Madam Pomfrey would know better what to do with his injuries, but seeing him in such an excruciating pain, you could not bring yourself to ask him why he went to you instead of her.  

"This is going to hurt a bit." 

You whispered in a shaky voice, and Remus could see your hand was trembling, gripping tightly on your wand. You did not want to hurt him even further, and you really wanted to help him.

"It's alright, Y/N. You're not going to hurt me." 

He assured, smiling weakly at you. You nodded, muttering healing spells under your breath. You knitted your eyebrows together as you reached to the long scar on his neck, which was quite severe.

"I can't heal this wound if you don't—"

You gestured to his shirt, and he nodded, wincing in pain as he took off his shirt. You were uncomfortable to see your colleague shirtless in your bed, but he was in pain, and you needed to help him.

"Remus, this is bad. What actually happened?"

Your voice was gentle, but he could not help but feel as if he was scolded because he was being reckless. You looked at him, silently asking him to trust you.

"I crossed path with a real wolf and I got this wound."

He explained, and worry was growing in your chest as you tried to heal him. You could not imagine how afraid he was while he was alone, every month during the full moon, facing whatever that was going to happen to him. He had been through this fear for years, and it must be so hard.

"Were you scared?"

The question slipped out of your mouth before you could stop it, and you quickly looked up at him, worried if you were offending him. But Remus just smiled, his eyes never leaving yours.

"Very. I'll never know what will happen."

He responded, and you could hear a plethora of emotions that were lying underneath his voice. He seemed so tired and vulnerable after a full moon, and you had never seen him that way before.

"I wish I could do something to help you."

You thought you said it in your head, but when Remus shook his head, you realised you had been saying it out loud.

"You are helping me, Y/N. Thank you."

You returned his smile and continued to heal him. Remus had his eyes fixed on you, as you were helping him. Even when you went to take some bandages to wrap his wound, his gaze followed you until you came back to stand in front of him. 

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