27 | Old Flame

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You were lying in your bed, staring blankly at the ceiling as you remembered what happened last night during the party. You truly believed that perhaps you could fix what you have with your parents, and that they could finally be happy for you since you had found Severus. You were not expecting them to welcome you with open arms, but surely you never thought they would reveal such a huge news to you.

You felt betrayed, and deceived, as you had been living in your parents' lies for all these years. Since you were a child, you always told yourself to live up to their expectations, not wanting to disappoint them even when they kept telling you of how much of a burden you were becoming to them.

They were not good parents, they never showed you love and they made sure you believe that you were just a nuisance. But nevertheless, you loved them, and when they told you the truth, that you were not their daughter, it was breaking your heart.

You had met with many adopted children, and their parents treated them well, giving them more love than you could ever get. But perhaps it was just because of you, and your parents could not bring themselves to love you, claiming that you were burdening them.

Sighing, you rubbed your eyes, exhaustion was starting to take over your body. After you went back from the party, Severus tried his best to comfort you but he knew there was nothing he could say to fix what your parents had done. He held you close to his chest throughout the night, until he fell asleep as soon as he heard your soft snores. It broke him to see you in tears, and he just wanted to see you smile again.

Thus, when Dumbledore summoned Severus to his office this morning, along with Minerva, his heart was heavy to leave you alone. But you ushered him to the meeting, knowing it was salient for him to be present there. You did not want him to ditch his responsibilities because of you.

"I'm alright, Severus."

You assured him, chuckling when he cupped your face with his hands, looking you in the eyes to find any lies in them. When he found none, a sigh escaped his lips, as he pressed a soft kiss on your head.

"I'm worried about you."

He whispered, and his words almost brought you to tears, but you knew it would only make his worry grow even stronger. So you sent him a smile, kissing his wrist, melting his all of his worries into a puddle of giddiness.

"There is nothing to be worried about, love. I'm tougher than I look."

Your smile caused him to crack a smile as well. He trusted you, and he knew you were a strong person. It pained him to think that your parents could ever think to hurt you when he just wanted to protect you forever, treasuring you in his heart and soul.

"I believe Albus and Minerva are waiting for you."

You reminded him, as you realised he was staring at you. Not that you did not like his attention on you, you loved it, but he had things to do and you were more than capable to take care of yourself.

"They are ruining my weekend with their stupid meetings."

He mumbled, rolling his eyes and you could not help but laugh. The sound of your laughter was enough to flutter his heart, and he kissed you, again and again, until he almost forgot that he had a meeting with his colleagues. But you remembered, and when you pulled away from him, he pouted like a child.

"You have a meeting, Professor Snape."

"I don't care."

"You do care."

He contemplated for awhile, before nodding weakly at you, agreeing with you. Your smile widen and suddenly you had forgotten about the last night event, as you looked at your soulmate in pure adoration.

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