23 | Darling

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"I love you."

As soon as his declaration of love for you escaped his lips, you dropped your hand from his face, and you stared longingly at him, with fresh tears now pooled in your eyes, silently praying that it was not a dream. Severus loved you.

"I love you, Y/N."

He whispered again, hoping that you would say something, or anything— To let him know that your love for him was still there in your heart. Severus felt sick in the stomach when you stayed silent, and he had projected the worst rejection he would ever experience in his mind, preparing himself to be heartbroken when you tell him you did not love him anymore.

"Perhaps you have fallen out of love with me since I treated you badly but I just have to let you know about how I really feel."

He said, in a shaky voice, nerves were overwhelming him. Your heart almost broke at the sound of his sorrow, which he was trying to hide. But his devastation vanished when he saw your lips curled into a smile, and it quickly turned into a huge grin.

"I never stopped loving you, Severus."

His heart almost dropped in excitement when it hit him hard that his love for you was reciprocated. You chuckled heartily when you saw the biggest smile on his face, internally patting yourself on the back as you were the only person who managed to get Professor Snape to smile genuinely.

"I love you so much. I do not know how to live without you because we both know I'm happier when you came into my life, Y/N."

He realised his words were not his own, but merely fragment of the words you had sent his soul to sing. Your face flushed as he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer against his chest, and you dared to look him in the eyes, drowning yourself in his pools of love.

"I will love you forever, darling."

He whispered, and it was enough to make you lean in closer towards him, knowing that your heart wanted him and him alone. Severus felt like the world was his when you claimed his lips with yours in a kiss, and he kissed you back immediately, pouring his heart and soul into the kiss.

"I love you too."

You murmured against his lips, kissing him deeper and harder, as his hands roamed on your back, intoxicated with your love. Your soul was intertwined with his, and now his heart belonged to you too. There was nothing more alluring than the fact of your soulmate loving you, just as much as you loved him.

As you pulled away from him, breathless, you could not back a growing smile on your face. Severus rested his forehead against yours, not quite believing that he could finally live the life he had been dreaming for, now that you were in his arms, loving him.

"I'm sorry for what I've put you through."

He apologised, suddenly feeling guilty for all the bad things he had done to you in the past. He was not the best soulmate, and yet, you were still in love with him, instead of forgetting him and moving on with your life with another man. He felt so undeserving of you, but he knew he could not live without you, and he needed you in his life.

"You worth every pain, Sev."

His heart melted at your words, and he pulled you in for another kiss, ignoring the whole world as you were the only thing mattered to him. His heart swelled in happiness, and it felt as if all of his agony were slowly leaving him when you made his heart your home.

"I will never hurt you again. Never."

You were so grateful that you never stopped trying to make your way into his heart, no matter how tough it was, or else you would not be able to love him freely now, with him loving you just as much, if not more than you could ever do.

Souls | Severus SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now