31 | Remember Me

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the final chapter.

You never expected for Remus to turn up on your doorstep. In fact, you did not expect anyone to come and see you after what happened. You left Hogwarts abruptly, without stating the reason and saying goodbye to your colleagues, so you felt a little bit guilty for it when you saw Remus, even if you knew he would understand why did you leave at the first place.

"Why don't we go get some coffee?"

He started, just as you were about to think he was there to lecture you about leaving the school so carelessly. It felt nice to see a friend, and you knew you needed some distraction from your dejection, so you just nodded, agreed to have a cup of coffee with him.

But deep within your heart, you just wanted to know about Severus. You hoped Remus would tell you about your soulmate, if Severus was doing alright without you, or if he was actually much happier by himself.

"Are you going to kidnap me?"

You asked playfully, as both of you were walking towards a place which Remus suggested. You never really knew the about the shops around your place, since it had only been a week, and you just locked yourself in your home instead of going out for some fresh air.

"Perhaps, yes."

He joked, receiving a laugh from you. Remus could not hold back a smile that was growing on his face, hearing your laughter after quite some time was so refreshing to him.

"I miss you, Y/N. We all miss you and it would be great to have you back in Hogwarts."

He tried, only to wince internally when your smile turned into a frown which he wished he did not cause. You let out a wistful sigh, forcing a smile back on your face but Remus knew you too well to know that it was not genuine.

"I don't think I can."

You murmured, and Remus nodded weakly. But then he nudged you with his elbow, a playful smirk was plastered on his face.

"You don't feel guilty for leaving me alone there? I mean, you are my best friend."

Remus reasoned, a chuckle was escaping his lips. You rolled your eyes and shook your head at him.

"We can always see each other outside of the school. We are doing it now, aren't we?"

You gave him a warm smile, and Remus could only mirror it with his own. You were truly breathtaking, but unfortunately, you would never be his, and he had accepted it by now. To have you as a best friend was a blessing enough for him.

"I think I can change your mind about going back to Hogwarts."

He challenged, and you raised your eyebrows, smirking at him. You did not know what he had under his sleeves, but you knew it was never something bad.

"I would like to see you try, Lupin."

He chuckled heartily and nodded, as both of you arrived at a coffee shop. It was a small and cozy coffee shop, and when you walked in, there was not many customers at the time. The atmosphere was calming, but the silence was not so inviting.

Suddenly, your heart thud rapidly against your chest, and it felt like something was wrong, but you did not know what it was. You trusted Remus, but when you were in the coffee shop, you felt uneasy.

"I hope you're not mad at me for doing this, Y/N."

Remus said, causing you to question what he was implying. But then your eyes landed on a person who was close to your heart, the one who owned your heart and soul. Severus Snape.

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