thank you! 🤍

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Thank you for reading Souls until the final chapter!

I wish I can reply to all of your kind comments but I do not want to ruin new readers' reading experience (cause I believe the comment section is vital in building anticipation for readers).

So here is my huge thank you to you!

For my lovelies who have been here since I published the first chapter, I know it must be different for you to stay and wait until the end rather than reading this book once it is completed, so I hope you enjoy your ride.

Truth to be told, in the middle of writing this book (before the chapters with Remus, to be exact), I almost wanted to put this book on hold and stop writing it because I feel like it was really hard to write something like Petals. When I wrote Petals, I managed to update a new chapter EVERY SINGLE DAY despite my hectic schedule, so when I couldn't do the same for Souls, I was disappointed in myself.

But somehow we finally come to an end, thanks to your continuous support towards my writing. Again, thank you so much for your love. No words can describe how grateful I am to have such supportive readers (and writers) on this platform.

There were some negative comments about Souls' plot but I understand. I think I'm more comfortable in writing oneshots. But I tried to write Petals, and decided to write Souls as best as I could. Forgive me if it isn't up to your expectation, but I will not stop improving.

I've read a comment saying this book makes it feels like Severus really found his soulmate. And I'm really glad my writing makes you feel like that. Just wow. Never expected that.

Perhaps Souls is just Severus in another life of Petals? Who knows.

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