15 | Three's A Crowd

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The holiday was finally over and while you thought that you were going to be sad because it meant you had classes to teach soon, it all changed when you saw the students coming in. The silence was replaced with their voices and laughter, talking to each other about their holiday. Surely, it was such a good time during the holiday, but you never despised the students either, and it was wonderful to have them back.

You had a short meeting with Albus and Minerva that evening, and as soon as it was finished, they started to tell you about a new teacher who would take the position in the Defence Against the Dark Arts subject. From the way Minerva and Albus talked so highly about him, you would be lying if you say you were not interested to see him during dinner.

They said the new teacher was a student at Hogwarts, and you were looking forward to see him, considering he must have had more experience with the school than you. You excused yourself when they were so engrossed in their conversation, wanting to meet Severus before the dinner started.

You knew Severus was not very happy that day, as he told you that he would prefer the serenity in the castle without the students, but you just shrugged him off, thinking that deep within his heart, he missed his students just as much as you did. It was not like Severus would ever tell you that he just wanted to spend more time alone with you.

As you walked towards the Great Hall, eager to see Severus, you did not notice a certain wizard who was walking towards you. You were lost in your thoughts whilst he was rushing in his steps because he was late, and neither of you could stop it when you bumped into each other.

You yelped when you almost fell on the ground, cursing yourself for being so careless, when you felt arms around you, catching you before you could reach the ground. Heat rushed towards your face when you realised the man who bumped into you caught you in his arms, and you were so close to him that you could almost hear his thumping heartbeat.

"I'm very sorry for bumping into you."

He muttered his apologies, letting go of his arms around you so you could stand properly on your feet. You chuckled under your breath and shook your head.

"No, I'm sorry. I have tendency to bump into people. Literally."

You blurted out, thinking of the first time you bumped into Severus, and he just walked away from you. Your heart fluttered at the thought of your soulmate, and you could not help but smiled. Perhaps he did not catch you in his arms like this guy did, but you surely fell for him that day.

"I'm Y/N L/N, the Charms professor."

You introduced yourself, smiling at the stranger. It did not feel right to just walk away without being polite to him, since there must be a reason for him to be in the school ground. His face lightened up when he realised that you were one of the teachers at Hogwarts.

"Well, you are a charming person and you teach Charms."

He mumbled, and your eyes grew wide. He seemed to realise that he had said it out loud, and you laughed when his face turned red. He let out a chuckle upon realising that you were unperturbed by his words. He was expecting you to roll your eyes at him and walk away, but much to his delight, you did not.

"I'm Remus Lupin. It's nice to see you."

You gasped in realisation when you heard his name, recognising him right away as the new teacher.

"You're Professor Lupin! I've heard that you were coming from Albus and Minerva."

Excitement was dripping from your voice and it warmed the new professor's heart, feeling welcomed there. Nerves were wrecking his soul, and he was glad to meet you before he could see the students. It had been so long since the last time he came, and now that he was a teacher, it felt so strange for him.

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