6 | Salt In The Wound

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You gritted your teeth to contain your anger as your students explained why they were late to your class. As soon as you heard the name of Professor Snape coming out of their mouths and his action for dismissing them late to your class, rage was bubbling in your chest.

You knew he was doing it on purpose to tick you off when one of the students revealed that Snape asked them if your class was right after his, clearly he wanted to anger you to the point of using your students against you. The students could not do anything but obliged as he kept them in his classroom, and now when they finally walked into yours, you only had less than ten minutes left of the lesson.

You wanted to pretend as if you did not know he was doing it on purpose, but it was unacceptable as his imprudent action was affecting your teaching. Severus was intentionally asking for you to lash out on him, and sometimes you wondered why did he hate you so much until he wanted to argue with you in every chance he got.

"We're really sorry, Professor L/N."

You took a deep breath when you realised your students were looking at you with worry in their eyes, as they had never seen you being angry since the day you came. But now it was as if they could see steam of anger coming out of your ears, and truly, it frightened them.

"It's alright. It's not your fault. I'm going to have to talk to Professor Snape after this."

You forced a smile and they let go of their breaths that they did not even realise they were holding. Surely, they were used to Professor Snape's wrath, but to have such a sweet teacher being furious at them was scarier than the Potions Master. They never wanted to get on your bad side.

After dismissing your students, you immediately went to his office, decided to confront him instead of letting him walk all over you. Since you sent him your letter, you did not talk to him, but you had to now, as you wanted to show him that he was not allowed to walk all over you and you could fight for yourself.

Without knocking on his door, you walked into his office, and the look of surprise on his face was enough for you to crack a smirk. You crossed your arms against your chest and stood in front of him who was organising his table.

He dropped the papers he was holding on the table dramatically, huffing slightly as he walked over to you but not before he put his hands behind his back. You rolled your eyes, thinking of how overly dramatic he was acting every time you saw him. He was the most dramatic person you had ever met, that was for sure.

"Where is your manners, Professor L/N? Waltzing into my office without even bothering to knock."

You scoffed at his words, knowing that the first thing in his mind when he saw you would be insulting you, hence you could not care less about it.

"Where is your manners, Professor Snape? You intentionally dismissed my students from your class an hour late when they were supposed to be in my class."

As you talked, you did not realise you were walking closer towards him, and you had to crane your neck to look him in the eyes. Something flashed in his eyes when you looked at him, and you could tell he was flabbergasted to see you were stern when it came to work.

"Perhaps I did it intentionally to see if you're capable enough to be a good teacher."

He spoke lowly, and you knew he was trying to piss you off even more. It was like he was entertained to see your burning anger, and you just wanted to get this over with.

"You don't have to do that. I'm giving my best as a teacher."

You spat, and it took everything in you not to break his nose when a small smirk formed on his lips.

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