16 | Somewhere Only We Know

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Severus did not get a proper sleep last night, as he ended up tossing and turning in his bed, his mind was full with the thought of you choosing another man over him. He thought that it was almost pathetic for him to think of such things just because of Remus Lupin, but he had lost so many things in his life, and Severus could not afford to lose his soulmate to another.

He made a mistake by pushing you away before, and he knew the consequences from his imprudent action. But now he was determined to spend his whole life with you, he was working so hard to make sure you believe in him, and he would be doomed if his endeavour was ruined because of his own foolish jealousy.

Hence, he tried to forget the disappointment he felt last night, and he decided that you were just being friendly with your new colleague. You had such a big heart, and Severus was not going to change your kindness with his irrelevant envy of Remus Lupin.

But as he walked into the Great Hall, his optimism flew out of the window when he saw Remus sitting next to you. He squinted his eyes, annoyance was bubbling in his chest when he realised the other seat next to you was occupied by Hagrid, and it meant he could not sit beside you like he always did.

He never thought he would be enraged because of a seat, just a freaking seat, but when it came to you, even the smallest thing could mess with his head. He huffed and sat next to Minerva, who quickly noticed how grumpy the Potions Master was, and it did not go unnoticed by her when he glared at Lupin, who was talking to you.

"Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, Severus?"

Minerva asked, taking a sip of her tea. Severus cocked his eyebrow at her, his lips were twitching slightly, holding back himself from scowling at the older witch.

"There is no wrong side of my bed."

He muttered angrily, avoiding her eyes when he heard her soft chuckles. He knew she was going to act as if she realised what he was feeling, and as much as he hated to admit it, Minerva always knew what he truly felt.

"Calm down, Severus. Y/N is your soulmate, not his."

She smirked when Severus' eyes grew wide, and heat rushed towards his cheeks as he realised it was obvious to Minerva that he was angered by the fact that Remus was so close with you now.

"I don't know what you're implying."

"You are murdering Remus with your eyes, Severus. I'm not oblivious."

She said, pretending as if she was enjoying her breakfast while actually she was just enjoying how flustered Snape was. He scoffed under his breath and held himself back from looking towards your way, not wanting to see how much you were enjoying Lupin's company instead of his.

He was getting used to have you by his side, and it was bothering him when you had another friend. Severus would never care if you were close with your other friends, he was not going to control your life. But he could see the look in Remus' eyes every time his eyes landed on you, and Severus could tell that the new professor was starting to harbour feelings for you.

As soon as he finished his breakfast, Severus quickly stood up from his chair, ready to leave the hall. He could not bring himself to stay there any longer as he was getting annoyed, when he knew he had no right to stop you from being friends with Remus.

Severus made a promise to be a good friend, and that was what he was going to be.

Just as he was about to leave, with a heavy heart in his chest, he was surprised when you walked over to him. His heart thumped rapidly against his chest, upon seeing your enchanting smile which could light up his whole world. Severus immediately turned into a sappy wizard when it came to you, he knew it by now.

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