12 | Enamoured

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Severus' eyes locked with yours as you walked into the Great Hall, and he gave you a small smile, his heart fluttered when you returned his smile. It was such an exhilarating feeling to have you smiling because of him, and he would do anything to make sure that you were always happy by his side.

You sat next to him like you did during breakfast, and Severus could not be happier, thinking that it was a good sign that you were forgiving him, even if you were not trying to talk to him as much as you did before. He could say that it felt like you did not like him much anymore, but he quickly shrugged his thought off, wanting to start over again with you.

"How was your day, Y/N?"

His voice was strained, trying to let go of his nerves which was building in his chest. It was unusual for him to try and start a conversation with you, and it would be a lie if he say that it was easy, but Severus would do anything to win your heart back.

"It was good. What about you?"

You responded, glancing at him with a smile on your face. Severus was in awe, taking in your beautiful features as he realised how foolish he was being when he was blinded by his dreadful past, until he did not see such an alluring angel who was sent for him, but now he was sure that he would appreciate you for the rest of his life.

"A few students were causing problems during my class but other than that, everything else was fine."

He said, covering up the fact that he was thinking about you for the whole day, until he had forgotten to give detention to the problematic students. Yes, Professor Snape forgot to give detention to them because his mind was engulfed in the thoughts of seeing you during dinner, and now when he was sitting next to you, his heart was full.

"I've heard from the students that today Professor Snape was kind enough to let them go without detention. Is it true?"

You asked, taking him by surprise, and you almost chuckled when his eyebrows knitted in confusion. Surely, his students just needed to spread the news everywhere when he became way nicer that day, without them knowing that he was not being nice to them at all, it was merely just because of he was busy thinking about you.

"They should consider themselves lucky today."

He muttered, clearing his throat and avoided your eyes. It was still a little bit awkward to be talking to you in such a calm manner and not arguing, but Severus loved every second of it. It felt like he had somebody to talk to about everything, and even if you and him did not talk about everything yet, but that was enough for a start.

He knew it must be hard for you to give him another chance after what he had said and done to you, and he was not going to waste the opportunity of building your trust again and making his way into your heart once more, if he ever left at the first place.

"What did they do during your class?"

Your question made Severus let out a groan, and you grinned at his sour expression when he told you about the problem which the students were causing in his class. He was genuinely frustrated with them, and to have you listening to him was so amazing, and as soon as he was done talking, he could not help but smiled, grateful to have you there with him and suddenly it was the best dinner he ever had in Hogwarts.

"I wonder how could they behave so well in your class, Y/N."

He shook his head, and you pondered for awhile, never really thought of the reasons behind their well behaviours. Perhaps it was because you were gentle with them, but you could never really tell.

"Honestly, I do not know."

"I think it is because you are beautiful, Y/N."

Severus blurted out, and his eyes widen upon realising what he just said. Rosy blush ran across his cheeks and he sipped on his drink, trying to hide his burning face from you and he hoped you would not notice it.

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