29 | Infidelity

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You stared at the Daily Prophet on your table, mouth agape, as you were still trying to process what was going on. After what your students told you, you tried to convince yourself that it was just a misunderstanding, and you were looking for the right time to confront Severus about it, thinking that he would have a concrete explanation for the whole thing.

But now as you saw the scandalous headline of the Daily Prophet, regarding a Hogwarts professor's affair which was unacceptable, your soulmate's affair, to be exact, anger rushed through your veins. You glared at the picture on the front page— Severus and a woman, her lips were on his, just like how your students described it to you.

Every fibre in your being was enraged to murder both of them if you could.

You could not bring yourself to read the news as you knew it was saying about Severus' illicit affair, when almost everyone knew he already had a soulmate who was also happened to be a professor at Hogwarts. Of course the press would prey on this kind of news to make their papers sensational, but it was a different story for you.

You could not take your eyes off the picture, as much as you wanted to. Your mind was fogged with the thought of Severus admitting to love you, when he was seeing another woman behind your back. He dared to kiss you with the same lips he kissed the other woman. He was so ungrateful to take your love for him for granted when you let him own your soul.

He had your heart in his hands, and he decided to crush it instead of treasuring it.

Your chest tightened, as you took the Daily Prophet in your hands, hearing the breaking of your heart. All these years loving him without conditions, only to be returned with his infidelity. How foolish you were to think that he would love you until the end of the time.

"Y/N, please calm down."

Remus tried to comfort you, seeing the anger and devastation in your eyes. When he saw the news that morning, he did not even think twice but ran to see you, wanting to show you the truth, thinking that you did not deserve to be treated so poorly when you were a doting soulmate to Severus.

But now when he saw tears in your eyes, he started to regret his decision of bringing the newspapers to you. Remus did not know what to do when you looked at him, a kaleidoscope of emotions were twinkling in your eyes, waiting for the time when you would let them go.

"Calm down? He cheated on me, Remus!"

You could not control your emotions any longer, as you felt a lump in your throat. Remus opened his mouth to say something, but no words could be utter when he saw how anguished you were. His heart clenched, and he wanted nothing more but to replace your frown with your beautiful smile, unfortunately Severus had stolen your light away from you.

"I love him, Remus.. I love him so much."

You said, crushing his heart at the sound of your dejection. To know that you loved Severus instead of him was painful, but it was even more tormenting when he had to see your misery, and he could not do anything to dry your tears.

He could only watch with a heavy heart as you walked pass him, determined to confront Severus about it. Every step you took to the Potions Master's office screamed agony to him, and Remus was wrecked, but he wished that you would get the truth from your soulmate, and what you were going to do after that was not his to decide.

You opened the door of his office, not minding to knock, surprising Severus who was grading papers on his table. He raised his eyebrows, ready to throw some snarky remarks on you when he saw tears in the corner of your eyes, and the trembling of your lips. He stood up abruptly from his chair, realising that you were sad.

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