28 | Illicit

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You knew you had to wake up soon but since Severus was not awake yet, you decided to snuggle closer into his chest, inhaling his scent which sent warmth wrapped around your heart. You smiled, opening your eyes when Severus kissed your head, holding you close to him.

You hummed, looking him in the eyes as you were still a little bit drowsy from the sleep. Severus' heart melted, seeing the pure love in your eyes, as you gazed at him. He could not help but showered your face in kisses, causing a giggle to leave your kissable lips.

"Good morning, darling."

He greeted, claiming your lips with his in a short but passionate kiss. You smiled against his lips, blood rushed towards your face when you heard his voice. It was already so charming, but the sound of it early in the morning was something else, and you felt yourself shivered under his gaze.

"Did you sleep well?"

You asked, a timid smile was painted on your face. Severus nodded, grateful that you were there with him. He was used to messy sleeping schedule, and even if he had time to sleep, it was not a good one since it would be accompanied by unwanted nightmares. But since he fell in love with you, his mind was filled with the thoughts of you, including his sweet dreams.

"I love waking up next to you, Sev."

You admitted, kissing his nose playfully. You chuckled heartily, noticing what you did was causing him to scrunch his nose without him even realising it. People could try to convince you that he was just a scary Potions Master but he was so adorable in your eyes. No one could tell you otherwise. 

"You mean it?"

Severus was flustered, as he never thought he would be a pleasant sight for someone to wake up to. But when you nodded vigorously, his heart swelled in joy, and he found himself smiling broadly at you.

"I mean every word. I love you."

You whispered, climbing on top of him and rested your head on his shoulder. Severus admired you for a moment, wrapping his arms around you to secure you on him. But then he realised the time, and he groaned in annoyance, alerting you that both of you were late.

"We're late, aren't we?"

"Yes, Minerva is going to have a good time teasing us about it."

Severus muttered, knowing that the older witch kept teasing them in every way she could. She loved to see how lovesick Severus was, even more when his face turned red every time Minerva talked about you.

"We have to get up now, Sev."

You said, but you made no effort to get off him. A deep chuckle erupted in his chest, and he ran his fingers through your hair lovingly.

"I can't get up if you don't, Y/N."

Severus watched, amused, as you jumped out of the bed lazily. A smile never dropped from his face, wishing that he could spend every morning for the rest of his life with you. He treasured a moment like this, when no one was around to witness the way he looked at you like you were his whole world.

His smile only widen when you shrieked, noticing how late both of you were.

"Get up, Professor Snape. We're going to be late!" 

- - - -

The teachers surely had a lot of fun teasing you and Severus that morning, especially Minerva. She took every chance she got to see how flustered Severus was, and deep within her heart, she was over the moon to know that Snape was finally happy. 

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