3 | Broken Fate

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Last night was awful. You were supposed to enjoy the rest of your evening thinking about how wonderful your classes would be today, but instead, your mind was flooded with a plethora of feelings you felt when your skin touch Snape's, then a wave of disappointment crashed into you as the look of disgust on his face sunk in, reminding you that he was not happy to finally meet you.

He was not waiting for his soulmate, whilst you were spending your whole life promising yourself that you would have your happily ever after you met him. How wrong you were for thinking that he would be delighted to see you.

The juxtaposition of his feeling and yours were killing you, and your chest tightened when you walked into the Great Hall and noticed the only empty seat was next to Severus Snape, your soulmate.

It was ironic when you trembled from fear as you sat beside your soulmate, when you were supposed to be trembling from happiness. You were not scared of him, but upon knowing he was not happy to see you, it made you think of why did he feel that way and what you had to do to make him like you.

Your fear of being pushed away by everyone was coming true as your soulmate did not even spare a glance at you, let alone smiling back as you gave him a smile. You bit the inside of your cheeks as you looked at your breakfast. Your stomach growled, begging you to eat but you could not bring yourself to eat as you could not stop thinking of what would happen now if Severus did not walk away yesterday.

Perhaps last night would end with him talking to you about everything, and you would tell him every single thing about your life too. And this morning, you and him would not have to sit in awkward silence, but you would be laughing about anything just because both of you were overjoyed to finally found each other.

Unfortunately, to the breaking of your heart, it did not happen that way.

You could still remember his words that you were the reason he lost her. Your stomach churned at the thought and you pushed your plate, your appetite was vanishing as you swallowed the fact that he was in love with another, and your presence as his soulmate would only hurt him and not heal him.  

You were not letting him ignore you and subconsciously hurting you. You knew you had to talk to him, as fate has brought you to him and there must be a reason behind it.

The teachers could feel the tension building up between you and Severus but there was nothing they could do. They knew Severus too well, and he was a hard headed man, he would never listened to them. But Minerva knew she had to do something, anything to see a genuine smile back on your face and the light of happiness in Severus' life. 

She let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose when she saw Severus stood up and left for his class, not even noticing how you stared longingly at him. 

Oh, how she wanted to murder Severus for making you feel bad about yourself. 

"Minerva, do you think I should talk to him?"

Her frown turned into a smile when you talked to her, confusion was laced in your voice. She shrugged, but her eyes told you everything.

"Perhaps you should."

She replied, and you took a deep breath, wanting to talk to Severus during your free period time of teaching later. The older witch could only pray the best for you, as she knew how stubborn the Potions Master could be and his words were the most dangerous poison in his possession.  

You tried to ignore the pain in your chest as you taught your students that day, with enthusiasm to make the learning interesting and memorable for them. You knew as a teacher, you should not bring your personal issues into your classroom, and you would hate to scowl at your student for your own problems. Hence, with a big smile to greet them, your classes went smoothly and for a moment, the thought of Snape was leaving your mind.  

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