♡ ྀ perfect.

6.5K 113 22

word count: 1.1k.
genre/warnings: angst&fluff/body insecurity.
keigo takami x thick black fem!reader.

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it was as if you were in your own little world, blocking everyone out

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it was as if you were in your own little world, blocking everyone out. in this world of yours, you don't care about anybody's opinion. in this world of yours, you don't care about your flaws. especially your body. it's just you, yourself, and i; not caring about anyone else. but unfortunately, that wasn't your reality. every day, you could hear the whispers or low mumbles of those around you talking about your body.

it wasn't news to you, but it was something that did hurt you. as hard as you tried to ignore them, you couldn't. you didn't even speak to anyone around the agency anymore, you just sat there at your desk all day until it was your break or time for you to go home. even when it was your lunch break, you wouldn't go join the others in the break room because you knew that they would be talking about your body.

your body wasn't like everyone else's here, it was completely different. yes, you were considered thick and you didn't see a problem with it, until moving here. the constant chatter of your weight made it hard for you to love your body again. sometimes you would go back to your apartment and break down crying in tears. what even hurt you the most was hearing your so-called 'friends' talk about your weight when they thought you weren't around.

all you could do was hold your pain inside. there were times where you wanted to talk to keigo about it, but you knew that he was busy with his hero work. the last thing you wanted to do was add your own problems on top of his, considering that his plate was more than full lately. so you tried to do what you thought was best to you, which was trying to hold it in and ignore it.

keigo on the other hand noticed that you weren't your usual self. you weren't as energetic as you used to be, and you stopped coming by his office to have lunch with him. if there was one thing that he knew very well about you, was that you were very good at hiding your pain or what was bothering you. that was something that he wasn't fond of because as your boyfriend, he wanted to be there for you. the fact that you were silently hurting and not speaking to him about your problems bothered him.

keigo was out patrolling with for the afternoon with his good friend rumi, also known as mirko. the two had a half an hour to spare before they went their separate ways and went back to their agencies.

"hey rumi, have you heard from [your name]?" keigo looked at her, hoping that she would say yes.

"now that you've mentioned it, no. she hasn't answered my text in two weeks, is she okay?" she looked at him.

"something is bothering her, but she doesn't want to talk about it. actually, she thinks i don't know, but i know," he sighed, placing his hand behind his head.

"you should talk to her kei. if she's upset and it's making you upset, maybe something is weighing down on her and she doesn't know to bring it up towards you," rumi gave him a small smile.

he nodded his head and gave her a hug before they parted ways and he made his way back to the agency. when he entered the agency, he noticed that you weren't at the desk. he looked at the watch on his arm and noticed that you were already home. a small sigh escaped his lips as he walked into his office and grabbed his keys. the paperwork that you had on his desk can wait for tomorrow, you were his top priority right now. as he was walking out of his office, he could hear the other workers talking about you, but specifically about your body. and a little light bulb went off in his head.

"you guys wouldn't be very fond if you heard other people bad-mouthing you like this, so i would suggest for you to stop talking shit about my girl," he told them before made his way to the apartment. keigo slowly opened the door and made sure that he didn't make any noise as he walked in. he took his shoes off and placed them on the rack. he slowly walked to the bedroom that you two shared and heard the soft sounds of you weeping, which pained him. despite him having a nonchalant demeanor, he was always aware of everything and cared deeply about you.

"you want to tell me why you're crying? and i will not take no as an answer," he softly spoke, taking a seat next to you.

"kei..." you trailed off, wiping your eyes. you turned around to see keigo who was still in his hero costume minus the jacket. just great, the last thing you wanted to happen, happened. you felt yourself being lifted up and placed on his lap while he stared at you.

"i kind of have a clue on why you're crying, but i want you tell me everything," he watched you sigh.

"all i ever hear every day is everyone talkin' bout my body. it's always 'did you see what [your name] was wearin' today?' or 'that doesn't look good on her body' and it's eatin' me alive because i just listen to it daily. i have never felt so insecure about my body before," he watched you cry your eyes out while he rubbed your back.

"[your name] first off, your body is amazing. they are idiots who have nothing better to do and i won't tolerate my workers talking bad about you like that ever again. i will say that i was a bit hurt to see you in pain and you didn't tell me anything, you are my girlfriend and you can tell me anything," he sighed, wiping the tears off your eyes.

"i don't care if i'm out patrollin' if somethin' is botherin' you, let me know and I'll be there for you. don't listen to what negative people have to say. after all, they only talk bad about others because they are jealous and i could see why. you have a body that was sculpted by the Gods themselves and it's all mine. forget about what they have to say and remain confident in your body, they are mad because you have a rocking body," he added, placing a kiss on your lips.

"i don't ever want to see you sad again, i love seeing you happy because it makes me happy. i love you," he softly smiled.

"i love you too kei," you smiled back, resting your head on his chest.

꒰𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬🥲.꒱
this was a request from my joint account, and since we took down our mha book i thought that i'd use this.🙂

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