♡ ྀ an interesting dinner.

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word count: 0.9k
genre/warning: idk?/homewrecking-ish? pettiness
miyuki kazuya x black fem!oc

"look at my baby," her mother smiled as riku walked up to his grandma with a smile

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"look at my baby," her mother smiled as riku walked up to his grandma with a smile.

"hi grandma," he giggled as she picked him up.

"how are you doing honey?" she placed small kisses on his cheek.

"grandma," he whined with a laugh.

"hi ma," she kissed her cheek and gave her a hug.

"hi ma," miyuki greeted her with a hug and peck on the cheek.

"hello my darlings, i'm happy y'all made it," she smiled as anaica placed the haitian macaroni on the table.

"i'm glad we made it here and safely as well, i was scared we were going to die on our way here the way anaica was driving," miyuki sighed as her mother began to laugh.

"not only are you an amazing catcher, but you're a comedian as well i see," anaica sarcastically replied as he snickered.

"someone sounds upset,"

"no, not at all," she gave him a fake smile as he continued to snicker.

when anaica and miyuki walked back to the dining room after washing their hands, they noticed that there was an empty seat with a purse on it next to her younger brother

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when anaica and miyuki walked back to the dining room after washing their hands, they noticed that there was an empty seat with a purse on it next to her younger brother. she looked at the familiar purse and tried to figure out who it belonged to, and it hit her.

"oh hell no," she muttered to herself as she watched her older sister take a seat in the chair.

"ma, i thought you said she wasn't gonna make it tonight," she looked at her with a glare.

"i thought so too until she came knocking on my door this morning," her mother chuckled, taking her seat at the table.

"it's nice to see you too, little sister," her sister sarcastically replied, giving her a fake smile.

anaica decided to ignore her as she grabbed miyuki's hand and walked over to their spots at the table.

rose-marie also is known as anaica's older sister, was someone she did not like at all. despite them being family, anaica did not care for her nor consider her to be her sister after what she tried to do two years ago. two years ago when rose-marie didn't have anywhere to go after her breakup with her boyfriend, anaica decided to be a good sister and let her crash at her place until she could land back on her feet. unaware of her true intentions, anaica thought she was doing something good. slowly, she began to catch on to her sister. her little flirtatious acts whenever miyuki was around, asking him for help for things she clearly knew what to do, and unnecessarily touching him.

anaica couldn't lie, every day she would try her best not to lose her cool. miyuki would sometimes make fun of the situation stating that 'he's handsome, what would you think would happen?' and yes she would smack him in the back of his head because there was nothing funny about her sister trying to get with her husband.

but one day, she crossed the boundary when she purposely tried to seduce miyuki who was trying his best to ignore her. anaica couldn't hold it in anymore, she got up from her chair and dragged her older sister by her hair while miyuki quickly got up and followed her. he tried his best to pull her hand away, but her grip was too tight. anaica kicked rose-marie out of her house and told her that she never wanted to see her again.

"i see some things never change," her brother hummed, grabbing his plate.

"this should be interesting," miyuki whispered to him.

during their family dinner, she noticed that her sister kept eyeing miyuki and he felt a bit uncomfortable

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during their family dinner, she noticed that her sister kept eyeing miyuki and he felt a bit uncomfortable.

"i think some of us should keep our eyes on our plates, don't y'all think so?" she hummed, cutting the piece of steak on her plate to hand over to her son.

"why can't we observe what's on each other's plates? sometimes someone's plate has something packed in it," her sister retorted with a small smirk, eating the macaroni.

"i just find it funny how mama always has the same rat runnin' around her house every thanksgiving," she had a fake smile on her face.

"funny how roaches love to pick on rats," her sister hummed, shaking her head.

"funny how some people can't find their own man, so they choose to seduce a married man instead," she stabbed her fork into the steak.

"oops was that too obvious?" she looked at her with an innocent look as the table became quiet.

miyuki stared at his wife while he began to rub the back of his head. the laughter that he tried to contain could no longer stay back. he knew that if he laughed he'd be in trouble, so he decided to try and change the atmosphere with a joke.

"talk about a home run am i right?" miyuki joked as anaica glared at him.

"relax, alright?" he added, whispering in her ear. he placed his hand on her thigh and gave it a squeeze.

"my eyes are on you and nobody but you... unless you're a nice catchers mitt," he joked once more as she decided to step on his foot.

"what an interesting thanksgiving dinner," her younger brother cleared his throat while her mother smacked the back of his head.

꒰𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬🥲.꒱
this was a thanksgiving one-shot, but i decided to tweak it up! 😊

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