♡ ྀ that should be me. (original)

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word count: 1.06k
genre/warnings: angst, fluff?/ broken heart
deku x black fem!reader x urakaka

06kgenre/warnings: angst, fluff?/ broken heartdeku x black fem!reader x urakaka

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she didn't get it, well she understood. but at the same time, she still didn't get it. the way he stared at you, made her upset. she could already tell that he was in love with you and there was no going back. the way his cheeks turned whenever you were close to him or ruffled his hair, or whenever you two were hanging out with each other. seeing him fall in love with someone that wasn't her, broke her heart.

and no, uraraka didn't have anything against you. how could she hate you? you were such a sweet person that everyone in the class adored, what was there to hate? you were there for everyone when they needed help, whether it was practicing something for their quirk or extra help with the lesson, you were there for them.

she sat down on the couch as she watched you walk into the living room area with a smile.

"hi," she chimed at you.

"hi [name]," the voice of deku startled urakaka.

"hey urakaka," he smiled at her while she gave him a fake smile.

"hey [name] i was wondering if you could help me with the math homework?" deku turned his attention towards you.

seeing his cheeks turn red as he spoke to you made you giggle. no matter how many times you two will talk in a day, he will always find a way to blush. you followed deku to his room where you sat in the seat next to him. the confusion on his face as he stared at the problem made you smile as he tried to work the problem out again.

"so now you do this, and this is how you get the answer," he nodded his head as he let an 'ooh' out.

"you're really smart," he lifted his head up and gave you a smile.

"t-thank you," you smiled at him.

there was a small silence while the two of you looked at each other with a smile. the same butterflies that you felt when you first met him were still apparent. you couldn't help but listen to your heart as you slowly leaned in. as nervous as he was, he decided to lean in as well and let this moment happen. he placed his lips against yours, while his hands made its way towards your face. your lips were very soft against his as he couldn't help but pull away with a shy smile.

"i-i- uh..." his face was completely red as you giggled and placed a quick peck on his lips.

"i like you a lot deku, and whenever you're ready to ask me out, i'll be ready," you shot him a playful wink as he nodded his head.

the two of you decided to go join everyone else back at the living room area so they wouldn't get suspicious or make wild accusations. watching deku walk in front of you put a smile on your face for some reason. you couldn't help but smile every time you saw him if you were going to be honest.

deku was someone who was so kind and adorable. you've always admired how he was able to put everyone before him in dire situations and how he wanted to help others in their goal to achieve their full potential. from his messy and fluffy dark green hair to his big green eyes, and to his freckles, you found him cute. but the innocent look that he always wore sealed the deal for you. falling for midoriya wasn't something that you'd think would happen, but here it was.

once you were sitting with the girls on the other side, mina came by and gave your shoulder a nudge.

"what took you and deku so long to do a few math problems from today's lesson huh?" she teased with a little smirk on her face.

"mina, leave her alone," momo groaned, looking at her.

"what i just want to know the deets!" she giggled.

"did you guys fu-,"

"no!" you quickly shouted with wide eyes, feeling embarrassed.

"we just kissed, jeez," everyone had their eyes on both you and mina as she gasped.

this girl could be so dramatic sometimes, and you were already regretting your decision to tell her what happened. you quickly covered her mouth so she wouldn't be able to say anything else, but she removed your hands with hers.

"but [name], you and deku would be so cute," she smiled, patting your lap.

"and he totally likes you, have you ever seen the way he stares at you? he looks like a lost puppy and it's so cute," she gushed, causing you to smile.

"i like him too, but i already told him that whenever he's ready to ask me, i'll be ready. i'm not going to force him ask me out immediately," you nodded your head while mina couldn't stop smiling.

"look he's looking at you," mina squealed as you took a look at him.

the blush on his cheeks as he had the biggest smile on his face. you gave him a wave as his whole face became red while you giggled.

"you two were made for each other!" mina shouted happily as she shook you.

urakaka on the other hand, was tired. she was tired of looking seeing deku with someone else. she was tired of seeing deku happy with you, and no there was nothing wrong with him being happy. she felt that it should've been her making deku smile and laugh. she remembered when she first met him at the entrance exam, and when he saved her.

as time went by, she was always mesmerized by his will to fight. he was always protecting everyone, even if it meant putting himself in danger. watching him never give up in a fight and always pushing himself to his limit, inspired her to be better and push herself as well. but she also fell in love with him, but it was already too late. he was already in love with you.

she got up from the couch and walked back to her room, where she laid down on the bed and cried her broken heart out. thinking about how that should've been her instead.

꒰𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬🥲.꒱
idk i feel so unmotivated rn. idk if nobody reads my books because nobody really watches these shows, but i'm starting to think i'll take a break after i publish chapter zero for my yami book. might even unpublish.

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