♡ ྀ make your mind up.

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word count: 0.8k
genre/warnings: angst
ban x black!fem!reader
author's note: decided to bring this back. if you don't like being a sad reader then this imagine isn't for you.🤷🏾‍♀️ and no spam chain comments.

🤷🏾‍♀️ and no spam chain comments

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you didn't get it. nothing made sense to you anymore. the feeling of losing someone you loved to someone else was the worst experience anyone could ever imagine.

day by day, you watched as he slipped right through your fingers into someone else's. what did you deserve for this to happen? you thought that everything was going well until she came along.

mixing love and work together was the worst decision you could ever make, to fall in love with your boss and then watch him swoon over someone who wasn't you.

what did she have that you were missing? was it because she was petite? was it the fact she had fair skin? what did elaine have that suddenly grabbed bans attention from you?

coming to work every day was something that you enjoyed because of the time you spent with ban here. now that he has found himself another, you couldn't wait to get out once the clock struck five o'clock.

wearing a mask as he mentioned elaine, just word vomiting her name as if he's forgotten about what you two had. it was always 'elaine this, or elaine that,' how special could she be?

a small sigh escaped your lips as you sat down at your desk. your desk was right outside of bans office while elaine sat where the other workers were. she sat quietly at her desk, typing away at her computer while you pressed your lips together. just looking at her made you sick to your stomach. it was just breaking your heart slowly seeing him with her. you felt that maybe you should talk to ban and ask him where his head is at when it came to the two of you.

as the day was coming to an end, you noticed that elaine left earlier than expected which was a shock. you knew that ban always stayed until ten to make sure what he was doing was correct and stay on top of his work. once the last employee left, you decided to knock on the door and waited for him.

"come in," you heard him shout.

"oh [your name], everything okay? you're usually gone by five," ban moved his chair to the side.

"i wanted to talk to you about somethin'," you played with your hands.

"i'm listening..." he trailed off.

"where do we stand?" you softly spoke, looking at him.

"what do you mean?" he looked at you.

"nigga you know exactly what i mean, where do we stand?" you repeated the question.

"ever since elaine started here, your attention has been on her and you've been talkin' to her. when you're with me, you talk about her," you sighed in frustration.

"i'm just helping her out and making her feel comfortable, there's nothing to worry about," you scoffed, shaking your head.

"really ban? helpin' her out and makin' her feel comfortable? while i'm sittin' here heartbroken watchin' you slowly fall in love with elaine," he was silent.

you knew it. you knew that he was falling in love with elaine and there was nothing you could do at this point.

"do you even love me anymore? or was that all a lie?" he sighed, placing his hand over his head.

"[your name], i do love you. it was never a lie, okay?" a small chuckle left your lips.

"please do not lie to me, i would rather you tell me the truth. the heartbreak would be much easier that way," you quietly spoke, looking at the floor.

"i love you, trust me i do. with elaine, i'm slowly building a liking to her, so i don't what to do," and those were the words that you needed to hear.

you need that confirmation, and as much as that confirmation hurt, there was nothing you could do. you couldn't force ban to love you and pick you over elaine, he was a grown man who could make his own decisions.

but at the same time, you were hurt. to sit here and be patient with someone who wasn't ready to be in a relationship and had these secret little rendezvous wasn't sitting right with you. you felt like your time was being wasted while you could've been in a happy relationship with someone willing to be to show off his significant other while out in the public.

"i'm so sorry ban, but i cannot sit here and wait year after year for you. and for you to slowly fall in love with someone who's been here for a month, i just can't look at you. i know it's selfish of me to say this, but you need to make up your mind," you looked up at him.

"and i cannot come back until you make your mind up," you gave him a small smile before you walked out of his office.

꒰𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬🥲.꒱
i decided to republish this because i got a lot hate for it, and i'm so sorry if you don't like being a soft reader. usually i'm a soft person so yeah, if you don't like then i'm perfectly fine because i know there are people who are softies like me. anyways i already have part two so i'll republish it later tonight.

𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐈𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥, 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧.Where stories live. Discover now