♡ ྀ hi, hello.

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word count: 0.8k
genre/warnings: fluff/none
makoto tachibana x black!fem!reader
based off a song series 1: hi, hello by day6

8kgenre/warnings: fluff/nonemakoto tachibana x black!fem!readerbased off a song series 1: hi, hello by day6

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the sweat dripping from your forehead while the sun reflected off your skin made you hotter than you were before

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the sweat dripping from your forehead while the sun reflected off your skin made you hotter than you were before. a small groan left your lips as you tried to take a sip from your water bottle.

if you were going, to be honest, you weren't expecting [sport name] practice to end this late. your body was aching as you tried to drag yourself to walk back home.

'i hope this never happens again,' you groaned, taking another sip from your water before bumping into someone.

"i am so sorry," the two of you spoke at the same time, looking at each other.

"it's okay," you softly spoke before he bent over and picked your water bottle up and handed it over to you.

"thank you," he gave you a soft smile before he walked off with his friend.

you watched him walk off in amazement. he had to be one of the most beautiful guys you've ever seen.

shaking your head with a smile, you made your way home where you quickly jumped into the shower so you could go to sleep after a long day of school and practice. once you were finished with your shower, you got dressed in your pajamas and knocked out for the night.

that next morning, you and your friend [friend name] walked to school as always. the two of you were talking about practice and the green-eyed cutie that you bumped into yesterday.

"how cute was he?" she looked at you with a little excitement.

"he was very cute, his shoulders were broad and big. you could tell he was athletic, and i think his hair was brown," you gushed, placing your hands on your cheek.

"broad shoulders...brown hair... and tall? i might know him," she hummed.

as you two were walking into the school, you felt your body collide into someone else's. you knew you were clumsy, but not that clumsy.

"hi," the familiar voice spoke with his hand out.

you grabbed his hand and slowly got up as you looked at him. it was the boy from yesterday, and he had his friends behind him.

"hello," you softly spoke.

the two of you stared at each other for a while before your friend cleared her throat. his cheeks were a tint of pink before he turned around and walked off with his friends.

"you have a crush on makoto? the captain of the swim team?" your friend stared at you while you were too busy watching him walk off to class.

"earth to [name], are you listening?" she waved her hands in your face, snapping you out of your trance.

"makoto? hm," a small smile formed on your face as you thought about him.

"girl i gotta class with him, i could put in a word for you," she nudged your shoulder but you shook your head.

"it's fine, i'm sure i'll be able to speak to him soon," you gave her a smile before walking off into separate classrooms.

what was so special about makoto that was driving you crazy? this was the second day meeting him, and somehow hearing him say hello made your heart flutter. you couldn't get his bright green eyes out of your mind while you sat there in class and daydreamed about him.

the first thing you did when the bell ran was rush to the locker room. you wanted to be the first one at practice so that it could be over with, you wanted to see makoto again.

practice ended early for you which you were grateful for because it was rare that practice ended early. you walked over to the pool area is and we're hoping that makoto was there. and when you arrived, he was there. you could tell that he was working on his backstroke and you were fascinated by the way he swam. you weren't aware that the school had a swimming team, and they were good. you were hoping that nobody noticed you while you watched the practice because you would've felt weirded out.

but it was too late for that, once makoto looked up from the pool, he noticed that you were watching. he couldn't lie a small smile formed on his face as he told his friends earlier about you, and now you were here watching him. he gave you a small wave as you waved back in embarrassment.

you slowly made your way down to the pool, where he slowly walked over to you. this was the second day seeing him, and somehow he made your heart flutter like crazy.

"hi," he softly spoke as his cheeks were a tint of pink.

"hello," you looked at him with a small smile.

there goes that rush of happiness flowing through your body as he said hi. a two-letter word that everyone says to you, but when he said it, it felt different. regardless of knowing him for only two days, whenever he said 'hi' you felt comfortable and loved by him. just standing there and staring at him made you happy. two simple words 'hi' and 'hello' made you the happiest person when it came to him and made you feel that you two were starting your own story.

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