♡ ྀ it's okay.

2.1K 33 16

word count: 1.51k
genre/warnings: fluff, angst?/none
kiyoshi teppei x black!fem!reader

51kgenre/warnings: fluff, angst?/nonekiyoshi teppei x black!fem!reader

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you felt uneasy watching this match. if you were going to be technical, you felt uneasy the whole entire day when you found out that seirin would be playing kirisaki daiichi high again. you remembered the first time seirin played them. that cursed day stayed in the back of your brain as if it was meant to stay there. the day that where they injured teppeis leg, which caused him to be out for a while. just staring at hanamiya in the crowd pissed you off. you wanted to smack that bastard in the face badly, but you had to compose yourself.

seirin vs kirisaki daiichi high again wasn't something that you were expecting to see again. seeing the third years fired up to get revenge did put a smile on your face, but after seeing that kirisaki didn't even try to stop playing dirty tricks made you mad. how did the referees turn a blind eye to their dirty plays? more importantly, were they even paying attention. you knew that they were good at attacking players in the referees blind eye, but how could they not see at least one hit? watching them hurt teppei and the other members were making you furious.

you could see the anger in everyone's eyes on the bench. you all shared the same anger, but there was nothing that you guys could do. even if you guys were to try and tell the referees, you knew that you'd be dismissed. but teppei, he was taking the all of their damage for his teammates. teppei was someone who had a big heart. someone who cares deeply for his teammates. which was one of the many reasons on why you feel in love with him.

but to sit there on the bench next to riko and watch him get all banged and bruised up was unbearable. your clutch on the clipboard became tight as you watched teppei fall down on the court as he was struck in the head. the blood gushing down as he got up from the floor as if nothing happened.

"lord have mercy..." you whispered underneath your breath as you watched hyuga and izuki bring teppei to the bench.

you quickly grabbed the first aid kit that you carried with you at every game. tapping teppei on the leg, he opened them up a little so that you were able to stand in between his leg.

"yoshi..." you trailed off, looking down at him.

"i'm fine," he smiled, placing a hand on your hip.

that damned smile, he was sure good a smiling in the worst situations ever. a smile that made it so hard to make you mad at him.

"you are bleedin' from your head," you stared at him.

"technically forehead..." he trailed off as you gave him a glare.

"boy do not play with me right now. you are covered in bruises, and now ya' ass is bleedin', you need to sit out," and just like that his smile quickly faded.

instead of a smiling teppei, you were now staring at a shocked teppei. you knew that any second that shocked teppei would turn into an angry teppei.

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