♡ ྀ die for you.

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word count: 0.8k
genre/warnings: angst/mild-violence
eustass kid x black!fem!reader
a mini series 01: part 1
author's note: please comment guys! it's so hard for me to know what y'all like or don't like because y'all are just ghost readers.😕 (which is why i tend to unfollow people).

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the sound of the water droplets dropping to the floor as your mouth became parched by the second

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the sound of the water droplets dropping to the floor as your mouth became parched by the second. the sweat from your forehead dropping inside of your laceration wound stung, but you couldn't make any noise. every day since you've been here, your wrist and ankles have been burning from the cheap but effective ropes that they managed to use to keep you tied up and hanging as if you were a bear skin rug that belonged on the wall and then on the floor.

"you bitch, you're still going to be stubborn huh?" the voice chuckled.

"all you have to do is tell who you're working for, or working with, or who's paying you to try and steal information from me and i'll set you free..." her laugh was loud but disturbing.

watching her laugh as she looked at you, boiled your blood. you could never sell your boss out, even during this moment now. your life was on the line, but you could never ever sell your boss out, that's not what you do in the mafia lifestyle. your parents taught you to never sell your family out because selling your family out meant instant death.

"oh i see, we're going to play another round of the silent game?" you could see the amusement in her face as she stared at you.

"you'd make a great meal to my pets, i'm sure you'd taste good mamamama..." there goes her stupid laugh.

hearing that laughter made you mad, and brought you so much pain. to see her laughing and smiling as if this was fun, maybe to her but not for you. your head cocked back as the burning sensation made its way on the left side of your cheek, "mamamama... is the new scar on the right side of your stomach, not enough?" the laughter stopped, "stupid bitch speak!" you kept your head down.

the feeling of her cold hands on your cheek was unpleasant. her cold gaze fixated into your soul made your body shiver. no doubt about it, she was a giant and you were just a regular-sized person. she was the size of a house while you were probably the size of a broom standing next to her, so her height was definitely intimidating to you.

the warm blood trickled down your arm as you winced in pain. slap after slap after slap after slap, you could hear the frustration in her voice as she gave you one final slap to the face. you softly chuckled, knowing that even she had a breaking point herself, "you're laughing?" you could sense the anger in her tone, "what is so funny?" she wrapped her hand around your throat.

"no matter how hard you try, no matter how angry you get, i will never sell my boss out," your boise was weary while you wore a small smirk on your face.

"then die!" she shouted. you could feel her grip on your neck become tighter as you kicked your legs around, hoping to at least hit her in any form.

"don't even think about it," she chuckled, releasing her hand from your neck. you couldn't help but cough as you looked down at the ground beneath you.

you knew that your time was becoming limited as you became her prisoner. sooner or later, your time would be done and you wouldn't be living in vain or without any regrets. if it meant that you were protecting your husband and knew that his hard work was going to pay off, then you were fine with dying.

meanwhile, he was worried. it has been two weeks since your mission has ended and you haven't returned. within those weeks, he hasn't been able to sleep. he couldn't sleep if he knew that something bad was happening with you, and he couldn't live with himself if he found out that you were dead.

"this all my fault..." he muttered, placing his hands on his head, "if i didn't send her on that mission she'd be here," he sighed, looking at the picture of you two at your honeymoon.

killer sat up from his chair and looked at his boss, he has never seen him like this, "when'd you ever sit here on your ass and mope? because that look ain't suitable for you," eustass's eyes quickly made it's way towards killers.

"when a situation like this happens, we plan a strategy and cause mayhem. the boss i know would've been planning everything already so that he could go rescue his wife, and our family member," killer finished, standing up.

killer was right and he knew so. eustass couldn't sit and mope around anymore, it wasn't like him to do so. he had to come up with a plan and rescue you quick, "killer i want everyone in the meeting room in five minutes!" with that being said, killer had a smirk on his face. that was the eustass he knew, ready to plan and attack.

"just hang in there brat. we're coming," he got up from the chair and walked over to the meeting room.

꒰𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬🥲.꒱
i've been thinking of making a mini law series. what do y'all think?

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