♡ ྀ girls night out.

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word count: 0.9k
genre/warnings: fluff/none
shun izuki x black!fem!reader college au

9kgenre/warnings: fluff/noneshun izuki x black!fem!reader college au

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a girls night out, something that every girl needs. after a rough and tiring week of exams, you decided that a girls night out at the club with your best friends was necessary. your college midterms completely kicked your ass, and it was by the grace of the lord that you were able to pass them. from your chemistry and lab exams, to your statistics exam, and your personal favorite exam, psychology. your four exams felt as if you were in a five-way title match inside of a ring, where your lab exam had you in the tightest chokehold ever. lucky you were able to get out of that chokehold and pin those exams to victory, and it was time to celebrate.

"are you sure you want to wear that?" he furrowed his brows together, trying his best not to pout or show his jealousy.

"babe, it's a basic outfit," you looked at yourself in the mirror.

and it was true, you felt that you were wearing a basic outfit. his eagle eyes weren't buying it though. the white two piece set you wore complimented your body well, the long sleeve sitting nicely on your upper body, while the skirt sat nicely on your lower body. nothing completed the look more than the heels that you wore, which gave you the extra confidence that you needed.

"you're right..." you placed your arms around his neck as a sigh left his lips.

"there's nothing to worry about, just call me if you need anything alright? i'm talking you and the girls are completely drunk and you guys need a ride, btw are y'all taking an uber?" you weren't sure where all these questions formed inside of his head, but you couldn't help but chuckle at him.

"yes, you know you're the first person i'll call if i need help. yes, we are taking an uber. izuki you sound like my father," his lips quickly formed into a pout.

"i- that's not what i was going for..." he whined, causing you to place a peck on his lips.

"listen, i'll call you if i need anything for real. alright pretty boy?" you gave him a slight smirk as his cheeks slowly began to turn red.

"not the pretty boy nickname..." he whined once more before you left his apartment.

" he whined once more before you left his apartment

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it felt great to be back in the club. music blaring, lights flashing, people dancing, and people having drinks. you were in your element once again. standing there in the crowd with your friends as music blared through the speakers.

"let's get lit!" anastasia shouted as one of the workers in the section brought a tray of shots.

'i am so sorry izuki...' you trailed off in your head before taking your first shot.

there was that feeling. the burning sensation that flowed down from your throat to your body. giving you that extra 'umph' that you needed for the night. hearing freak hoe by future play had you run to the dance floor with your friends as you guys began to dance with each other. there were times where men would try and get between you guys, but you were keen to push them away. after dancing and taking a few more shots, you felt yourself become slightly dizzy.

this was it. you were at your limit, the next drink would have you completely out. and as you stared at your friends, they were a mess as well. so you had no option but to call him.

"izuki... izuki..." you cooed through the phone.

izuki who was asleep in his bed groaned as he listened to the tone of your voice. you were drunk, which he was grateful for. if you were wasted, it would have been a complete different story.

"i'm coming," he sighed through the phone, throwing a shirt on.

if izuki was going to be honest, he wasn't surprised to see you guys standing by the club door, looking at hot mess. he was able to carefully put you guys inside of his and safely bring you and your friends home safely. well there was one friend who wasn't completely drunk and offered to keep the rest at her place and izuki offered to take you with him so that he could take care of you.

the drive back to his apartment wasn't long, so once he arrived, he let a sigh out.

"let's get this done," he opened the passenger door, and slowly took you out of the seat.

"pretty boy..." you trailed off, slinging your arm on his shoulder.

"stop calling me that..." he groaned, unlocking the door to his apartment.

he helped you walk to his bedroom where he sat you down, where you eventually fell back. he helped you take your heels off, where you let a groan out.

"i feel like i'm going to throw up," you groaned which alerted him quickly.

he helped you up where he brought you to the bathroom. he lifted up the seat and had you kneel in front of the toilet. he made sure to hold your back your braids as you began to let everything out. after letting everything out of your system, izuki helped you brush your teeth and helped you to bed where he got you some water and even helped you put your bonnet on.

"do you know how much i love ya' pretty boy..." you slurred, placing your hands on his cheeks.

you could feel his cheeks warm up as he turned his face away from you. you could hear him huff while you giggled, placing your head on his chest.

"i love you too..." he muttered, looking at you.

and quickly, you feel asleep while he turned the light off and threw his head back.

"what a damn girls night out," he groaned to himself.

꒰𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬🥲.꒱
izuki is so cute, but i have this perfect yami x black!fem!reader book in mind and i'm currently working on it right now as we speak. 😊

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