♡ ྀ the pastors daughter.

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word count: 1.2k
??? x black!fem!reader
author's note: please comment guys! it's so hard for me to know what y'all like or don't like because y'all are just ghost readers.😕 (which is why i tend to unfollow people).

the aroma of marijuana and liquor filled the air as the group of men walked inside the club

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the aroma of marijuana and liquor filled the air as the group of men walked inside the club. they sported small smirks and grins as they took a look around the strip club.

'so many beautiful women,' they thought to themselves as they made their way towards their famous vip section.

"nice to have you gentleman back," one of the dancers greeted them with a bright smile as they nodded their heads.

it has been a while since they have stepped foot inside of this club and for them to feel like strangers in a place that used to be one of their top spots was odd.

"alright men, sit back and relax. tonight we prepared only the finest women for your return," the same dancer spoke, giving them a wink as she walked away. keigo grabbed a bottle while renji handed everyone a shot glass and keigo began to pour the tequila in their glass.

"cheers to our wonderful return to exotica!" keigo shouted as they took a shot.

the lights turned off as partition by beyoncé began to play. the bright white lights that were shining before were now purple as the woman crawled her way on to the stage, she wore a mask on her face as all the men looked at her with a smirk. they were all wondering who she would choose tonight as her victim while she made her way up the pole. their mouths were opened as they were aghast and intrigued by her movement. this was their first time seeing someone that was this exotic and was able to do tricks and moves with her body that none of the other girls could do before. they all felt the excitement in their pants as they softly groaned, but they quickly sat up once they watched her slowly and gracefully twirl down the pole. she smirked as she began to walk over to the men, she looked at every one of them as she began to tease all of them. 'which one should i choose?' she thought to herself as she looked at them. her smirk crept on her face again as she stared at the man with orange hair, he looked so innocent so she just had to have a piece of him.

she slowly walked over to him, and took a seat on his lap. her smirk was plastered on her face as the other boys stared at their friend with a shocked face.

"is this okay with you?" she softly spoke, looking at him.

"y-yes," he stuttered while his entire face was red.

she couldn't help but chuckle as she grabbed his hands and placed it on her ass with a smirk.

"there's no need to be shy, sweetness. is this your first time here or having a woman sit on your lap like this?" he nodded his head while she pouted her lips.

"here come with me and let's have the time of our life," she got up and held her hand out as he got up and grabbed her hand.

the others began to whistle and shout for their friend as they were excited.

"who knew that he would actually get some tonight," keigo cried as he looked at his friend.

the lights in her private room were dimmed while the music from the club played inside her room. he sat down and she sat down on his lap. she placed her lips on his neck as she began to softly suck and nibble on it, hearing his small and faint groans. she couldn't help but smirk against his neck while she felt him rub her ass.

"i want you to send me out of this world," she softly spoke while smirking.

the next morning, [your name] was up and ready to attend church. she slowly and carefully walked downstairs so that she wouldn't trip on her heels which never really happens but she still wanted to make sure that everything was alright. once she was downstairs she saw her mother and father smiling as her older brother [your brother's name] walked out of the kitchen and joined them so that they could do a prayer before they left the house. as always her parents rode together while her and her brother rode together.

"you seriously need to find a more secure place to hide your money. you had a dollar bill hanging out from the trunk when i came home last night," he looked at his younger sister while she rolled her eyes.

"stupid, you know that i always hide my money in my room and not in my trunk. how dumb do you think i am?" he chuckled, shaking his head.

"if it's you we're talking about then you never know," she scoffed, turning the music all the way up.

once they arrived to the church, they began to help their parents along with everyone else who was there set up the church before everyone came. once they were done, [your name] and [your brother's name] walked to the back room where the camera men/women were getting everything setup while they both grabbed their cameras.

"i really never understood why dad had us take pictures of the services. i'd understand if it was like an event or a holiday but it's just a regular service," she sighed as she watched everyone walk inside.

meanwhile the same group of men walked inside the church and took their seats at the regular spot they sat at. it was like that every wednesday, friday, and sunday on the left side of the church located in the middle. they didn't want to sit too close not too far so the middle did them justice.

"is it bad that i feel so awkward being here after attending a strip club last night," renji spoke as he closed his eyes and began to pray while the others chuckled.

the lights dimmed down as the band began to play music. they watched as the choir sung you're doing it all again as the last song before the pastor walked onto the stage, he did a little prayer before he had everyone sit down.

"before the video plays, i want to share something so wonderful so i would like both of my children to walk up to the stage," pastor [your father's name] spoke as both [your name] and [your brother's name] made their way up the stairs with a confused look.

"as you know i have beautiful children [your brother's name] being the oldest by a year and [your name]..." he trailed off as they gave the audience a small smile.

"as you know my son has been in the firefighter/emt program at his university while my daughter was in the cosmetology program, and as a proud parent i want to announce that both of my children have graduated from their programs!" he shouted into the microphone as the church clapped except for one person.

he stared at the screen with a shocked face as he looked at [your name]. 'that was her, she was the girl from last night,' he mentally screamed, he slept with the pastors daughter.

"what's wrong ichigo? your mouth is opened like you've never seen a pretty girl before," keigo chuckled, but only if he knew.

"what's wrong ichigo? your mouth is opened like you've never seen a pretty girl before," keigo chuckled, but only if he knew

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hey i'm back. it's going to be slow updates but did y'all guess right? i felt like it was super easy. also are you guys enjoying the imagines so far? because it's hard for me to tell because y'all don't comment.🙂

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