♡ ྀ that should be me.

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word count: 1.1k
genre/warnings: angst, fluff?/ broken heart
tetsuya kuroko x black!fem!reader x satsuki momoi

1kgenre/warnings: angst, fluff?/ broken hearttetsuya kuroko x black!fem!reader x satsuki momoi

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she didn't get it, well she understood. but at the same time, she still didn't get it. the way he stared at you, made her upset. she could already tell that he was in love with you and there was no going back. the way his cheeks turned whenever you were close to him or ruffled his hair, or whenever you two were hanging out with each other. seeing him fall in love with someone that wasn't her, broke her heart.

and no, momoi didn't have anything against you. how could she hate you? she barely even knew you. all she knew was that you were seirins new basketball manager and everyone described you as a sweet person that cared for everyone on the team including kuroko. what was there to hate? especially if kuroko adored you? you were there for everyone when they needed help, whether it was practicing a new technique for their upcoming game, icing their body that was sore, or giving good advice and massages. she even heard that you help them out with their homework when they're stumped. you were there for them, especially kuroko, something momoi couldn't do.

momoi heard that seirin would be training at the pool and she decided to show up uninvited of course. watching everyone's eyes turn towards her as their cheeks became red. their minds filled with perverted thoughts and questions, who was she?

"tetsuya!" she cooed, pulling the blue haired male into a hug.

"oh momoi," his voice as normal as ever.

"you know her?" everyone exclaimed as he nodded his head.

"i'm tetsuyas girlfriend!" she exclaimed, hoping that you'd hear and you did.

but you weren't aware that tetsuya had a girlfriend. he has never mentioned once that he was seeing someone or had a girlfriend. usually whenever you two spoke which was everyday, he never mentioned someone named momoi. everyone's mouths were opened at the word girlfriend, they quickly looked between you and momoi as you rolled your eyes.

"momoi is not my girlfriend, she is a good friend," and there was his honesty.

"fine..." she trailed off with a whine.

"i'm not his girlfriend," she pouted, scratching his head.

"sorry for interrupting your training session, i just wanted to visit tetsuya," she added with a soft smile.

but momoi wasn't aware that kuroko already left her side to go back into the water. there he stood next to you, asking you to help him out. you couldn't say no to him, you always found it hard to say no to kuroko sometimes because he was just too cute. as weird as it sounded, it was true. the way his eyes would light up sometimes made you want to scream, in a good way of course.

seeing his cheeks turn red as he spoke to you made you giggle. you didn't think that kuroko was the type of person to blush a lot when joking around with him or even talking to him. you watched kuroko do his thing, and saw that he was completely stumped. the confusion on his face as he tried to do the same trick again put a small smile on your face.

"alright, i know what you can do. try addin' more force to your pass," you looked at him.

"you think so?" he lifted his head up and looked at you.

"yeah, we can even try and practice when we get inside of the gym. if it fails you can put all the blame on me," a smile appeared on his face as he slightly chuckled.

you could hear riko calling you two to get out of the water since everyone was going to get something to eat and drink. so you two stayed back to dry off at the bench, hoping that it wouldn't take long. as you two sat there, a small silence filled up the area while the two of you looked at each other with a smile. the same butterflies that you felt when you first met him were still apparent. you couldn't help but listen to your heart as you slowly leaned in. as nervous as he was, he decided to lean in as well and let this moment happen. he placed his lips against yours, while his hands made its way towards your face. your lips were very soft against his as he couldn't help but pull away with a shy smile.

"i-i honestly didn't think that i'd do that..." he trailed off, rubbing the back of his head.

"i didn't mean to, i'm sorry," he softly chuckled, looking at you.

"don't be sorry, i leaned in as well," he moved closer towards you.

"you know, i have never felt this way before..." he trailed off, looking at the ground.

"i've spent my time playing basketball, that i've never actually thought about liking someone. is this how it is when you like someone?" he questioned while you chuckled.

"well there are different ways on how people like each other. different people have different emotions," he nodded his head at your words.

momoi who forgot that she needed to talk to kuroko about something, quickly turned back around. she was hoping that you'd be there, and to her liking you were still there. the scene she watched, broke her heart into puzzle pieces that could no longer coincide together. watching both you and kuroko lean in, sharing a kiss. it killed her inside, because it should've been her. why didn't kuroko see her the way he saw you? why was he so infatuated with you? why was she just a friend? what did you have that she didn't? how was kuroko able to fall in love with someone that he's only known for a couple of months? she's known him since teiko days and all she was to him was a friend?

is this what a heartbreak felt like? no longer bearing to see two happy people together? hoping that she was in the picture and not you? not being able to speak to him without trying to cry? why'd she have to be the one broken-hearted? if she didn't follow aomine to too academy and attended seirin instead would the outcome be different? she had so many thoughts racing through her head, forgetting about what she had to talk about with kuroko.

she saw the two get up, and noticed that you intertwined your hands with kuroko. he had a clueless look on his face as you slightly chuckled. momoi, who didn't want to be seen, quickly found somewhere to hide. watching you two smile and hold hands added to the damage that she already suffered. tears trickling down her face as she left the gym with her head down. all she could think about is how it should've been her with kuroko.

꒰𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬🥲.꒱
so how'd you guys enjoy? this was from a mha request that i got but decided to tweak. if y'all want, i could post the original. i believe that the original is more heartbreaking than this, if you found this heartbreaking lol.

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