♡ ྀ anniversary disaster

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word count: 0.9k
genre/warnings: idk?/idk?
fuegoleon vermillion x black!fem! reader

"don't you look beautiful tonight," your husband stood behind you as you looked at yourself in the mirror

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"don't you look beautiful tonight," your husband stood behind you as you looked at yourself in the mirror.

"you look very handsome," you turned around and gave him a peck on his lips.

"hold on, i think i got lipstick on your lips," you giggled, wiping it away from his lips.

"you ready to go?" he looked at you as he held his hand out.

"of course," you smiled, grabbing his hand and walking out of the house together.

the two of you were at a nice restaurant for your four year anniversary, being married for four years with a babygirl is tough but you knew with fuegoleon by your side, you'd keep some sanity within yourself.

"hello i'm maria, i'll be your waitress for the day. can i start you two with something to drink?" the waitress held her pen and pad in her hand.

"i'll have some red wine," you spoke, scanning the menu.

"and i'll just have a beer," fuegoleon gave her a small smile.

"alright. do you guys know what you want? or would you like to look at the menu for a little bit more?"

"we're ready," you and fuegoleon spoke at the same time.

"i'll have the pasta with shrimp and lobster, with mash potatoes and broccoli as my sides," you placed the menu down.

"i'll have the sirloin steak, well done with mash potatoes and shrimp on the side," he placed his menu down as she nodded her head and grabbed the menu.

"can you believe [your daughter's name] is turnin' four next month?" you looked at him with a small smile

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"can you believe [your daughter's name] is turnin' four next month?" you looked at him with a small smile.

"i know, i'm scared because she takes after you," he sighed as you gave him a death look.

"kidding," he quickly added, giving you a nervous chuckle.

as the two of you were speaking, maria came to your table with your meals, "alright i have the shrimp and lobster pasta with mash potatoes and broccoli, and then a flank steak with fries and corn," she placed the food on table and walked away.

you looked at fuegoleons meal and noticed that it wasn't sirloin steak with mash potatoes and shrimp on the side, and it made you a bit upset. he sighed and shook his head before he grabbed his fork and knife.

"uh uh baby, you don't have to eat that," you placed your napkin and fork down.

"babe it's okay," he quickly reassured you with a fake smile.

"i know that smile is fake and it's not okay," you gave him a look.

"you ordered a sirloin steak with mash potatoes and shrimp. does your plate look like what you ordered?" he silently shook his head.

"which means you're not goin' to touch a damn thing until i call margarita over," you turned around in your seat and scanned the restaurant for the waitress.

"excuse me miss," you got up and walked over to the front of the restaurant.

"yes, how may i help you?" she looked at you.

"my husband ordered a sirloin steak with mash potatoes and shrimp, but got a flank steak with fries and corn," you politely spoke with a small smile.

"is that not what he ordered?" she spoke with a little attitude.

you couldn't lie, you were taken back a bit from her attitude. and her attitude unleashed the beast that was inside of you.

"listen here marley, two things: that attitude has to go, and two if my husband orders a sirloin steak with mash potatoes and shrimp, guess what he's going to receive? a damn sirloin steak with fries and shrimp," you folded your arms, looking at her with a stank look.

"i'm sorry you're upset about something so small, but i have other guest to treat," she gave you a fake smile, pushing past you.

"oh hell no," you chuckled to yourself.

"where is the manager?" you politely spoke to the waiter that stood at the front.

"i'm the manager," a man behind you spoke.

"hello mr...." you held your hand out as you waited for a name.

"smith," he shook your hand.

"how can i assist you this evening?" he added.

"mr. smith, your waitress molly over there gave my husband the wrong meal, and she's tryna say that i'm wrong when i'm not. i know what my husband ordered, and if i were wrong, he wouldn't have that small little look on his face," you politely spoke, pointing a finger at fuegoleon, who wore a nervous smile.

"and when i tried speakin' to her, she gave me the nastiest attitude. if you could kindly talk to her and have her check her notepad to show you i am correct," you added, with a small smile.

shortly, mr. smith called maria over, and had her check her notepad which means you were correct. you were always correct no matter what, "i'm so sorry about that, that'll never happen again," he reassured you.

"it's fine, you're not the one at fault. enjoy your night sir," you smiled at him.

"don't stare at me," you huffed as you took your seat at the table.

"t-thank you baby," he smiled as the food he ordered was set on the table.

"don't be afraid to speak up. you're a damn magic knights captain  for cryin' out loud, your wife shouldn't be the one speaking up for you," you teased while cheeks were red.

"just teasing of course," you added with a chuckle.

꒰𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬🥲.꒱
this was from my previous imagine book, where i used midoriya but decided to tweak it with fuegoleon. so if there are any mistakes please don't kill me, i'll fix them tomorrow. i tweaked this with my eyes opening and closing so yeah. thank you all once again for reading.❤️

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