♡ ྀ no more chances.

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word count: 0.9k
genre/warnings: fluff?/none.
gilthunder x black!fem!reader. (part two of my ban one-shot)

 (part two of my ban one-shot)

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"gil..." you softly giggled hitting his chest.

you looked at a struggling gilthunder, giggling like a child. how hard could it be to roll dough? he was covered in flour as you shook your head.

"what? i told you i wasn't the baker type," he chuckled while you grabbed the rolling pin from him.

"here let me show you," you smiled as he stood behind you, placing his hand on top of yours.

slowly you rolled the pin over the dough as his hand followed your hand while he placed his chin on your shoulder. you couldn't help but smile as he placed a quick peck on your cheek.

a small smile formed on your face as you two finished flattening the dough. you grabbed the christmas cookie cutters from the drawer and laid them out on the counter while gilthunder picked them up.

"please tell me you know how a cookie cutter works?" you raised an eyebrow while he jokingly scoffed.

"of course i do," he attempted to cut the cookie dough into reindeers and santa hats, but failed.

you couldn't help but laugh at his cuteness. who would've thought that using a cookie cutter was a difficult task. you tapped him on the side of his arm and he moved back, allowing you to stand in front of him.

"let me show you how to use the cookie cutters, it's really simple," you smiled at him, holding the cutters up.

he playfully rolled his eyes as he watched you place the cutters down on the dough and applied some pressure on the cutter, getting it to cut the dough all the way. you slowly took the reindeer dough off of the cutting board carefully and placed it on the pan.

"try doin' one yourself, and if you need help, i'll help you," you smiled at him while he grabbed the santa hat cutter and placed it on the dough.

you watched as he followed your every moves, applying a little bit of pressure on the dough, carefully and slowly removing it from the cutting board, and then placing it on the pan. the sound of your clapping startled him a bit as he looked at you with a big smile on his face.

"i told you i could do it," he had a small smirk on his face, placing his hands on your hips to bring you closer to him.

gilthunder slowly leaned in and placed his lips against your lips while you wrapped your arms around his neck. you slowly pulled away from the kiss and noticed the smile on his face. this was your first kiss with gilthunder ever since you two have been together, and you felt happy again.

six months, and you felt that you and gilthunder have been together for years. you placed the cookies in the oven and made sure that you set the timer on the oven on so you two go sit for a while and watch a movie before the cookies were finished, "i get to choose the movie," he grabbed the remote from the counter as you followed behind him.

the sound of the timer going off in the kitchen quickly caught your attention while gil removed his hands from your waist as you quickly got up from the couch. you grabbed the oven mitts and opened the oven and grabbed the pan out.

gil got up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen. he decided to help you decorate the cookies so that you wouldn't do all the work yourself.

"what a sweetheart," you smiled at him as he grabbed the icing and began to place the icing on the cookies.

once everything was finished, you made sure that the plastic wrap on the cookie platter was on correctly. you didn't want to the cookies to become stale before you got to the shelter. every holiday, it was a tradition for you to go and visit this shelter that you've been visiting for a while to go and donate food, clothes, or basic necessities to them every holiday or whenever you had free time.

once everything was prepared, gilthunder held the door open for you so that you could walk out of the condo. the drive there wasn't far, it was about 15 minutes.

when you two arrived at the shelter, you grabbed the cookies while gilthunder grabbed the box that you two prepared for everyone there.

"thank you two so much, thank you for always helping out [your name]," the director of the shelter smiled at you.

"it's no problem really," you smiled at him while gil went to go place the box away.

when you were placing the cookies on the counter, and heard a name that you never wanted to hear again.

"ban! it's so nice to see you again," and when you turned around there he was.

the tall, white haired-male looked at you as you quickly turned back around.

"[your name]..." he trailed off as you closed your eyes shut.

"bye," you tried to walk away from him but he caught up with you.

"can we just talk?" he looked at you.

"there's nothin' to talk about anymore ban, it's clear who you chose," you scoffed, trying to push past him.

"but i just-,"

"ban please save it. i'm happy with who i'm with now, you had your chance and you ruined it," you gave him a fake smile.

"now please let me be happy," and before he could open his mouth, gilthunder was right in front of you.

"gilthunder?" ban looked at him.

"ban?" gil looked at him.

"you're with gilthunder?"

"is there a problem?" and he was silent.

"goodbye ban," you didn't bother looking back as you left the building with gilthunder.

𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐈𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥, 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧.Where stories live. Discover now