♡ ྀ falling in and out of love.

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word count: 1.4k
genre/warnings: angst/relationship on brink of failing
aged up yuno x black fem!reader au (NO SMUT)
author's note: please comment guys! it's so hard for me to know what y'all like or don't like because y'all are just ghost readers.😕

you stared at the window from the bedroom that you and your fiance shared, hoping to see his car somehow make it's way to the driveway

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you stared at the window from the bedroom that you and your fiance shared, hoping to see his car somehow make it's way to the driveway. a small sigh escaped your lips as you knew that he wasn't coming home anytime soon, so why waste your time? you grabbed your small maltipoo and picked him up with a small smile, "hungry yunnie?" he wagged his tail while you walked into the kitchen.

you placed him down and made your way to the cabinet next to the kitchen to grab his dog food and poured it into his bowl, and grabbed a water bottle and poured water into his water bowl. once yunnie was fed, you walked to the bathroom to wash your hands before going back to the kitchen where you made dinner. you sat down at the table while you noticed that yunnie moved his bowl next to you, and a smile appeared on your face, "i can always count on you right?" you chuckled while he happily ate his food.

you looked at the clock on the wall and noticed that it was about to be eight o'clock, 'still not here?' you sighed, finishing your dinner and walked to the kitchen where you covered his plate and placed it in the microwave. it has been like this for two months now, ever since he got a promotion from his job he hasn't been coming home at the time he usually comes. the first two weeks you didn't mind because it was his job, then slowly it began to take a toll on you. the only time you could spend time with yuno is seriously on the weekends, and even on the weekends, he is still working. yuno becoming the chief operating officer at the business he worked at was something that you are proud of because he has worked his ass off for it, but you missed spending time with him. both of you knew how major it would be for him to promoted and how much time he would be putting in, but you were willing to stay with him because you thought he knew how to balance it. these two months have been so stressful considering you have been planning the wedding by yourself, the last time you two went to go choose the color of your wedding, he was heavily invested in his phone and told you, "i don't care, just choose a color that would make you happy," which did make you a little upset, because it was supposed to be the two of you together choosing everything, but it turned out to be just you choosing everything.

time passed by and you were nicely showered and in your bed watching some television to help you fall asleep while yunnie laid down next to you, you heard the door close while yunnie jumped off the bed barking, "yes daddy is home," you heard yuno chuckle while he entered the room.

he walked over to you placed a kiss on your cheek before he went into the bathroom. his showers usually last at least ten minutes, you honestly wished you knew why it took him that long, but you couldn't judge him because there would be days where your showers would be longer than his. after his shower, he dried himself off and placed his plaid pajama pants on with a long sleeve shirt and laid down next to you while yunnie ran to his bed instead. he let a sigh out as you scooted closer to him, he wrapped his arms around your waist while he placed his face into your neck, "so i convinced my boss to let me take tomorrow off so we can go cake tasting," he lowly spoke.

"that's great, but that means you can't be on your phone working either," he playfully rolled his eyes while he continued to nuzzle his face into your neck.

the next morning you were dressed in a nice sundress that fit your body nicely with cute heels to match while yuno dressed in a nice button-down shirt that matched the color of your dress and his dress pants

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the next morning you were dressed in a nice sundress that fit your body nicely with cute heels to match while yuno dressed in a nice button-down shirt that matched the color of your dress and his dress pants. you grabbed yunnie and your purse and made sure that everything in the house was nice before you left, "you're going to be spending the day at grandma's house with your friends!" you shouted while yuno backed out of the driveway and drove to your mother's house. after yunnie was dropped off, you two made your way to the bakery to go cake testing. the bakery was so cute and nicely decorated. the inside of the bakery had pink walls with floral decals scattered neatly around the walls while they had cupcakes, cakes, and other sweets on display in the glass. the counters were decorated with flowers and cake pops. the tables were white and nicely cleaned while they each had a napkin dispenser, and cute floral characters on the table. the smell of the sweets filled your nose as you smiled, "are you ready?" you looked at him, but he was on his phone.

"oh yeah," his eyes glued to his phone.

"remember, i said no phone work today..." you trailed off, taking his phone out of his hand and placed it in his pocket.

a small groan left his lips as you took a seat at the booth where the owner of the bakery reserved for you two. you two looked at the booklet and saw the different wedding design cakes that they did, and they were honestly so cute in your opinion that you couldn't choose just one, "we should do two cakes," you looked at him while he chuckled.

"two cakes?" he raised an eyebrow.

"yeah one that we like and then the other one could be half chocolate and half vanilla," you added as he slightly nodded his head.

"hello!" the baker smiled, taking a seat in front of you two while you smiled back.

"thank you for coming on such short notice, we hope that you guys can leave happily," he added, and before you could open your mouth, his phone began to ring.

"sorry i have to take this, if this takes longer, we can do what you said," he whispered in your ear before he walked out of the bakery.

just like that, your smile faded, but you couldn't let that phase you. you wouldn't think that his phone call would be that long, but then again he is mister c.o.o. so that wouldn't be a surprise. you decided to get [your favorite cake flavor] along with a half vanilla and half chocolate cake. you thanked the baker once again before you joined yuno who was still on the phone, it was pretty obvious that he wouldn't be able to drive so you got in the driver seat and started the car. you thanked your mother for watching yunnie and made your way back home.

what could a business possibly talk about that required him to be on the phone for so long on his off day? you couldn't help but shake your head as you finished making lunch and sat down at the table next to him. yuno placed his phone down with a sigh as he began to eat his food, "that was a long phone call..." you trailed off.

"yeah, i might have to go to work tonight," he sighed while you softly chuckled.

"what's so funny?" he looked at you.

"did you forget that we had reservations tonight because we're supposed to catch up with each other? we haven't spent time and spoke to each other really for two months basically," he was silent, of course.

"we can always cancel the reservations and reschedule," you could feel the irritation building up as you looked at him.

"yuno do you not understand that today was supposed to be your off day? i understand that sometimes you need to work on your off days, but you have been working every single off day and we can't even spend time together anymore," you groaned, looking at him.

and once again, he just sat there silent, "i'm sorry yuno but i truly do miss spending time with you, but it seems like your job is becoming your main priority which i don't mind by the way. till this day im still proud of you, but i feel like i'm falling in and out of love with you," you sighed getting up from the table.

꒰𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬🥲.꒱
decided to bring this gem back.

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