♡ ྀ just give me a reason.

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word count: 0.9k
genre/warnings: angst?fluff?/none
furuya satoru x black fem!reader college au!
based off a song series 1: just give me a reason by p¡nk ft nate russ

9kgenre/warnings: angst?fluff?/nonefuruya satoru x black fem!reader college au!based off a song series 1: just give me a reason by p¡nk ft nate russ

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the pent up frustration and anger inside of you felt like it could kill you any second. you tried your best to focus on your homework, but it was so difficult. the urge to scream in anger while cry in pain was strong, but you had to hold it in. your mind trailed off on him, and wondered if he was in his dorm room sleeping or was he out on the field throwing balls in frustration. you knew that he didn't have practice today, but you knew that somehow he'd be at the field doing something.

you shook your head as you tried to get him out of your head, but you couldn't. your mind easily trailed off on satoru who probably wasn't concerned about you at all. considering the fact that you two got into heated argument and haven't talked to each other in two weeks. the thought of him apologizing first made you chuckle a bit because you knew that he wouldn't, considering his communication skills weren't that great. but waiting for someone you knew that wasn't going to take the initiative to take the first step was killing you.

the day that you met satoru was a day that you would always remember. you transferred to seidou, and it was a scary experience considering you were an african american female in tokyo, japan. he was the first person in class to acknowledge you, and you were very shocked. every day you would walk into class and take a seat next to a sleeping satoru. you couldn't lie, you found him cute. sometimes you'd wake him up, and sometimes you'd let him sleep. sometimes you'd try and talk to him and sometimes you'd let him be.

if it weren't for haruichi, you wouldn't have gotten the chance to meet satoru. it was weird that you developed feelings for someone who seemed uninterested in relationships. it was after the fact that haruichi reassured you that he felt the same way, made you happy. the talking stage was a bit awkward, considering the fact his communication skills were lacking. at the same time, you could tell that he was making the effort, and that's what mattered to you the most. after talking to each other for almost six months, he decided to make the move and ask you out. you weren't going to lie, you were shocked, you honestly thought haruichi persuaded him to do so, but he actually did it himself.

the first three years were great, it revolved around the two of you getting to know each other more. getting to know each other on a deeper level. getting satoru to slowly open up, and express his feelings. yes, there were some cloudy days, but you two were able to overcome them. the challenge was now.

now, it was hard to overcome those cloudy and rainy days. the constant arguments, and walking out on each other was tiring. you felt that relationship was hanging by a thread, and that the next time, that thread was going to snap.

the sweat dripped down from his face as he took a look at the ball in his hand. he was exhausted, but he had to release the anger he had inside of him. not only was he angry, he was confused as well. he was confused on why you two were constantly arguing and why you wanted a break? satoru thought that everything was going fine in the relationship. he thought that maybe your head was running all over the place from you overthinking too much, but he couldn't keep avoiding you for too long.

satoru decided to go take a shower before he went to your dorm. once he was showered, he didn't bother drying his hair. he just wanted to speak to you, and figure out how you two could fix your relationship before you called quits on him. the sound of his heart beating quickly echoed through his head as he stood outside of your dorm door.

"it's now or never," he sighed to himself as he knocked on the door.

"hi," was the only thing you could say to him as you stared at him.

you moved to the side, and watched him walk inside. he took a seat on your bed as you sat down next to him. the tension between you two was thick.

"we need to talk," you softly spoke.

"we haven't spoke in two weeks, and it's startin' to kill me. i know our argument was bad, and i feel like it put a strain on our relationship," you added, looking at him.

"if i'm going to be honest, i never understood where and how these arguments started. i understand that the last argument was heated, but i'm not ready to call quits, i love you way too much to let this relationship go,"

"i know it hasn't been easy and i know i haven't been great at expressing my feelings or emotions, but i'm ready to do so. i am sorry for all the pain and hurt i've caused, i never meant to do that. all the scars i've caused, i'm willing to heal them myself," he added, grabbing your hand.

the tears wanted to fall down your face, but you had to hold it in. this was the first time that he has opened up to you, and you honestly didn't know how to respond. you were shocked. to see the tears in his eyes, and for him to show his vulnerability, showed you that he was serious.

"i love you," you whispered, placing your head on his shoulder while he looked at you with a small smile on his face.

꒰𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬🥲.꒱
this sucks💀 but i have other diamond no ace imagines from my old book but they're christmas ones.💀

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