♡ ྀ the consigliere.

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word count: 0.8k
genre/warnings: fluff/none.
roronoa zoro x black!fem!reader

a small sigh left your lips as you heard the voice of the straw hat family

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a small sigh left your lips as you heard the voice of the straw hat family. you turned to the side and saw the one and only monkey d. luffy with his crew standing behind him. he quickly walked over to where shanks was sitting and greeted him with the big smile that he always wore while your eyes drifted to someone else. there he stood, he looked as if he'd just woken up from a nap and was rushed to get out of the car.

"[your name]!" nami shouted, waving at you as you gave her a small smile.

you made your way over to them and greeted everyone.

"you never fail to amaze me with your beauty," sanji spoke with a gushing smile as you chuckled.

"i can show y'all to your table if y'all are tired of standin'," they nodded their heads and followed behind you as you walked across the room.

each month, your boss shanks loved to throw a party where he'd invite all the mafia families in the business and they would just have fun with no drama. he liked throwing them so that there could be peace and order within the business so that everyone could get their piece of cake without doing something that would cause a disruption within the flow.

you have been working for shanks since you were 16. you remember running away from home because your parents were trying to force you into a marriage with someone you hated, and you ran into shanks who saved you. you remember thanking him and he told you it wasn't a big deal and you asked him how you could pay him back and he asked you if you wanted to work for him. when you first started, you were nervous. you never worked for a mafia family/business and you never knew how the mafia lifestyle was until he taught you and you got the hang of it. now here you were, 20 years old and still his assistant. you couldn't lie, sometimes shanks drove you crazy but you had so much respect for him because he was a hard worker. not only was he a hard worker but he became a father figure to you that you were missing once you ran away from home.

zoro sighed as he took his seat at the table and placed his hands behind his neck. he looked around him and noticed that everyone was gone and he was the only one sitting at the table, "so much for sitting down because your legs hurt," he sighed once more and closed his eyes, hoping he can take one more nap.

"please do not tell me you're gonna take another nap?" you took a seat next to him as he chuckled.

"and if i was? is it such a crime for me to nap?" he joked, looking at you.

"i don't know, for someone who sleeps a lot, i'm sure you have to be bored of sleepin' all the time," you shrugged your shoulders as he shook his head.

"how have you been [your name]?" he turned his head to look at you.

"i've been great, always stressed out and pushin' through," you smiled as he chuckled.

"i could only imagine the work shanks has you doing," he yawned, scratching his head.

"the work? i think it's taggin' along to his meetings and listenin' to some of these ridiculous things," you scoffed, placing your elbow on the table while the side of your face resting on your hand.

"how long has it been? four years?" he raised an eyebrow and you nodded your head.

"four crazy-ass years and somehow i wouldn't want it any other way," you softly spoke with a sigh.

"you sure? because luffy wants to steal you as an assistant so badly, and i wouldn't mind having you around," zoro had a small grin on his face.

"how many times have i told you guys that i'm not leavin' shanks, it will never happen," he scoffed, shaking his head.

"eh, you're no fun," he removed his hands from the back of his head.

there was no denying the feelings you had for zoro. you've always had them the first time you saw him when you were shanks assistant and attended your first meeting. you remembered him walking inside next to luffy and you couldn't take your eyes off of him. his stare was so cold that it made you shiver, but it was definitely something sexy as well.

"what are you thinking about in that big head of yours?" he added, looking at you.

"was i daydreamin'?" you gave him an embarrassed look.

"yeah, you looked pretty cute," he grinned as you felt embarrassed.

"shut up," you punched him on the arm, causing him to stop grinning.

"i gave you a compliment and you punch me?" he whined, rubbing his arm.

"whatever moss head," he was fuming as you chuckled, looking at him.

you couldn't believe it. you were falling hard for zoro, also known as luffy's consigliere.

꒰𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬🥲.꒱
i really wish i had more followers who watched one piece.😔 despite having a lot of episodes, i really think it's a good show. idk if the number of episodes pushes people away from it but yeah. (no rude comments about goat piece, i'll delete them.🙂😄)

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