Chapter 1

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[Play the song the whole way through <3]

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[Play the song the whole way through <3]

You were on the terrace, overlooking the gentle waves. Watching the lanterns, big and small, float and leave reflections as they went. Against the mesmerizing blue sea, they looked like glowing embers, ready to light a fire.

The breeze was cool, not too cold to break into a shiver yet, not too warm to break a sweat. It was just right. The birds sang as they flew in between the lanterns, weaving their way through them. They were so graceful and elegant, that it caused you to break a small smile.

Your lantern was dim, as you haven't lit it yet. You wanted to light it at the perfect time, but you never knew when. You saw a woman and her child lift theirs up nearby, the child brimming with joy as they pointed theirs out amongst the crowd.

Just then, you felt a current of wind flow past you. Almost like it was a sign. You carefully lit your lantern as a few others below you did as well. Taking the lantern into the palms of your hands, you gently let it loose. Your eyes stayed with it as long as they could. After a while, you lost it in the crowd.

The feeling of releasing that lantern seemed to of taken a weight off your shoulders. You made a wish, yes but, your wish had nothing to do with that.

The weight was simply releasing all of your stress out with that lantern, it carried it with such strength you thought you were weak. 

Your eyes turned to the open waters. Watching them crash at the golden flames that rode them, never to be extinguished. They continued on brightly, never losing their color nor strength.

Someone had come up beside you, though you don't pay much mind as the beauty of the festival had your attention. A few kids ran by down below, their kites soaring through the air with such ease. It looked so easy.

Your eyes trailed from the kids to the man beside you. Your eyes kept their calmness though your insides were doing flips beyond flips. You caught yourself staring as he looked over in your direction.

You were about to apologize but that stopped when he turned toward you and bowed. Smoothly taking your hand into his and gently bringing it to his lips. Your face flushed, don't lie to yourself. Your other hand was covering your face slightly. He was attractive, yes, but you simply couldn't fall for a man you just-

"My apologies, ma'am, I just couldn't help but notice your beauty," he spoke looking up at you, still holding your hand.

Okay, maybe you could fall for him. 

Quickly shaking out of your trance you bowed slightly back at him. Your heart was racing, and when he stood straight up, he gently let go of your hand.

The warmth of his hand holding yours vanished, but his touch still lingered.

Your eyes never broke the contact with his. You fiddled with your thumbs as you tried finding words to speak, and he waited. Patiently waited for you. "Why thank you." You managed to get out. He smiled at your thanks, before bowing slightly more. "You may call me Zhongli, ma'am." He said before standing up once more.

"Oh, yes, you may call me Y/N." You say smiling a little back at him. This time you were able to get a better look at his face. His eyes, nose, lips, and how they all seemed to fit so perfectly on him. 

He was studying you as well, your features seemed to fit perfectly, as well. He liked your eyes the most, the way they shone with such passion and kindness. Something he could never truly find.

Your attention got dragged away from him when the Mingxiao lantern was released. You always loved it when they released the lantern, it was always a beautiful sight. Your hands were on the railing as your eyes followed the glowing beast.

Zhongli joined you, standing beside you, his arms crossed. You smiled softly at the sight, it felt so freeing, so... Enlightening.

Zhongli glanced at you from the side, seeing your face lit up, having fun. The way they sparkled and your expression of awe... It made his night.

[Love you <3]

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