Chapter 14

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[This one is kinda sad, TW: Claustrophobia, my apologies;-; <3 Play the song at the ***]

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[This one is kinda sad, TW: Claustrophobia, my apologies;-; <3 Play the song at the ***]

Zhongli was tired, fighting these hoards of ruin guards for three days and on the fourth, abyss mages decided to show up. He knew this was planned and he was getting really sick of it. He called for Xiao, who showed up a second later and they both covered one another and fought.

However, when he got slammed against the cliff wall and his eyes met with yours, you just watched. You watched him get shot. You turned away walking away from the fight, your eyes blank without the slightest bit of care in the world. Xiao was screaming as he couldn't do anything to save someone he looked up to.

Zhongli just sighed as the abyss mage laughed, taking the final blow as he didn't have the energy to move.


The next thing he knew, he was falling. Trying to see where he was but he couldn't move. Was this it?

Everything was black. He stood in a black void, slowly turning on all sides all he saw was black. Each step was just leading into a darker abyss. His breathing picked up, his eyes got blurry with tears as he didn't know where to go. 

God, why was he so weak. Faded images of figures moving in the darkness started forming, he shook his head and covered his ears. He was sick to his stomach, getting nauseous he kneeled down and kept his eyes closed, and tried steadying his breathing.

He was sweating, his heart pounded in his chest like he got done running around all of Liyue. His bangs stuck to his forehead as voices started filling his head.

Wondering why he killed so many, wondering how someone could love him.

"I looked up to you, and you leave me just like that? How pathetic." His head snapped up seeing Xiao standing in front of him, eyes full of rage and betrayal. Zhongli opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"I never thought I would have to plan your funeral so early," He looked to his left, Hu Tao stood there shaking her head disappointed. "Such a shame really."

He looked back down, his mind swirling. "I only chose to be with you due to pity. After all, how could anyone love an archon? All they dream of is power."

His heart stopped as he didn't dare look behind him. "Please..." He whispered, knowing that voice.

He slowly turned around, despite not wanting to, and saw the face he dreaded to see. His heart ached when he saw your face. Your face was wrinkled with disgust, shaking your head as he just stared at the ground. His hands felt like they were burning, everything felt like it was burning.

He keeled over, his jacket vanishing into thin air as marks started covering him. This feeling of an overwhelming presence was too much. His body felt like it was on fire from head to toe, but everything felt cold.

He clenched his fists as tears forced themselves out of his eyes. One hand going to his chest and grasping the white cloth in his hand. His breathing rapid, uncontrolled as the voices began to rise and become louder.

Others joined as they said disgusting things about him. Clenching his fists even more he clenched his jaw.

It hurt. It hurt too much.

Taking in a breath he just screamed, yelled, and cried. 

Why wasn't this over? Why was he receiving this sort of punishment?

His mind got dizzy as his eyes barely stayed open.


He looked to the left seeing your figure still looking at you with that face. He looked away not being able to handle it.


He shook his head and tried ignoring your calls, they seemed taunting. Like they weren't even real.

"ZHONGLI!" You say smacking him with a pillow.

His eyes darted open as he sat up quickly. So fast that you fell backward off the bed. Groaning as you stood up you looked him over.

His eyes were dazed and glazed over, sweat dripped onto the blankets in his lap, the sun shows dimly through the curtains. Glancing at the clock on the wall it was currently 5 in the morning.

Getting back on the bed you moved over to him quietly putting a hand on his back only for him to flinch and look at you.

Your gentle eyes met his wild ones, they didn't know what to look for. You held your hand out as his eyes locked onto it for a second. He moved his hand to hold your hand only to realize he didn't have his gloves on.

Causing him to freeze and retreat his hand.

You frowned slightly before getting up and leaving the room to grab a towel and a cold bowl of water.

He sat there in bed, looking at his hands that had the gold veins traveling along with them. They weren't like the ones in his dream.

You came walking back in as his attention went to you. Setting the bowl down you dipped the rag in the water before gently moving his bangs out of the way. As a reflex due to the dream he had, he grabbed your wrist causing you to pause.

His eyes were still glazed over and dazed, so you took the rag and gently dabbed his forehead. Quietly humming the song he always hummed to you. 

His eyes seemed to focus on his hand that was wrapped around your wrist. He watched as his hand slightly flexed and relaxed. His mind confused about what to believe at this point.

You frowned as he still wasn't out of the daze. Moving your hand away from him he held it tighter. "Please... don't leave..." He said softly, his eyes tearing away from your wrist and to your eyes.

Fear coated them as you bit cheek quietly. Ignoring what he says you broke free from his grasp. Setting the rag down you got back on the bed and straddled him. Wrapping your arms around him as he tightly hugged you.

You ran his hands through his hair as his head rested on your chest, his breathing seemed to calm. Following your intakes and outtakes of air. Hearing your heartbeat reassured him that you were alive and well.

"I love you. you know that right? I'm okay, I'm healthy, and I'm happy," You say quietly continuing to run your fingers through his hair as his breathing calmed and he slowly closed his eyes.

Being lulled asleep he held onto you tighter, giving you that sign that you weren't going anywhere for the day. 

And you were okay with that.

[wowza almost at 1k reads ;-;  Thank you! Love you all!]

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