Chapter 15

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[Thank you for 1k reads!!! Listen to the song at the *** and again, thank you!!!]

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[Thank you for 1k reads!!! Listen to the song at the *** and again, thank you!!!]

You were nervous. 

So... Nervous. 

Cloud Retainer was helping you out as you fidget with your hands. Bouncing your knee up and down as zoning out. God, why now of all times.

You glanced at the clock as Cloud Retainer coughed, giving you a sign to sit still. "There's no need to be nervous, child." She said before moving away so you could look in the mirror.

Your heart beating in your ears as the dress you wore glimmered beautifully in the sunlight. You take a deep breath as you nodded, answering her. But she was having none of it.

"This is your day, don't let anyone or anything in that skull of yours tell you otherwise. understood? I want you to speak this time. With confidence." She said narrowing her eyes at you slightly, watching you through the mirror.

You were quiet, scared that your voice would quiver in front of the waiting Adeptus.

You spoke, trying to sound as confident as you could be. "Understood." You said firmly, though it was a little shaky, Cloud Retainer just sighed before nodding. "Good."

It was your second time meeting the Adeptus, as Zhongli had introduced you to the three. Telling you that Cloud Retainer was the one that would be helping you get ready on the big day.

Your heart jumped when a knock was heard at the door, Clour Retainer spoke firmly, "Who is it, Zhongli you know better than to-" Getting cut off by a deeper voice.

"It's just me, Moon Carver. Everything is in place and ready." He spoke, his deep voice rattling your bones as you took a deep breath. He would be walking you down the aisle as your parents were nowhere to be found.

You slowly stood up as to not disrupt anything, Cloud Retainer looked at you. A smile appearing on her face. "You're ready, I'm glad he found someone like you." She said, her heart softening a bit.

Your face blushed slightly at the comment as you said thanks and went to the door to see Moon Carver.

He was taller than you, no doubt. He nodded his head in the direction, you looked back at Cloud Retainer who just nodded and followed you out the door.

Your hand resting on the Adepti's back.

You bit the inside of your cheek as your face met the cool air. Zhongli insisted that you have the wedding at Mt. Aozang, as the sunsets there were beautiful and the weather was always nice. 

The birds sang quietly and you waited for the ceremony to start. There were a small number of people there, as you had few connections and Zhongli wasn't going to make you uncomfortable on such a special day.

Therefore only a few close friends of his were present. Your heart ached as you had no response from your parents and Moon Carver seemed to take notice. "Ignore the pain you feel in your heart, for as it is irrelevant to this very moment." He said his doe eyes looking at you before looking straight ahead.

"You have a bright future ahead with him. Let your heart dwell on that bright future and let it overcome that pain." He said as you looked at him. You hugged him.

He wasn't expecting it, tensing up but once he realized what had happened he rested his head against your back. Giving you one back.

You were going to be the first one walking down the aisle as you didn't care for flower boys or girls. However, your ring bearer, Aether was behind you.

He was recently married, about a year ago to Xiao.

Meanwhile, as your thoughts built up, Zhongli waited patiently at the altar. Xiao behind him. He was studying Zhongli, noticing his posture and the slight way he slumped and leaned more on one foot than the other. Wearing a more formal suit.

Xiao walked up to Zhongli's gently touching his side, watching as the archon winced.

"You're still hurt." He said stepping back to his place. Zhongli sighed turning his head to the right looking at him, "The magic the mage used was different than the others, it wore off about a week ago." He explained before looking forward. Mountain Shaper was the one that would be wedding the two.


Xiao simply rolled his eyes before looking down the aisle after hearing the lyre play, by the one and only bard.

Zhongli's attention also went to the aisle, his heart beating rapidly waiting to see your appearance. And once those amber eyes met your E/C ones, it was over for him. He gave you a reassuring smile, he placed a hand gently over his mouth as he watched you walk down.

When you got down to the end of the aisle your heart melted. Giving Moon Carver a gentle pat on the head and a quiet thank you, you took your soon-to-be husband's hand. You used your other hand to wipe the stray tear away from his eyes as he did the same with you.

The two of you held each other's hands, he did those little thumb motions that you love so much.

You cherished the moment when Mountain Shaper had started his role. The two of you listened while looking at one another. Your eyes exploring one another as he spoke. Listening to every word he was saying like your life depended on it.

Soon the vows came, starting with You. You took a deep breath before looking at your love. He smiled at you softly before gently moving his thumbs over your hands.

"I promise to love you without condition, to honor you each and every day, to laugh with you when you're happy, to support you when you're sad, to guide you when you ask for direction, and to challenge you to become a better person then you already are. To be your biggest fan and your ever so present audience. I look forward to falling in love with you over, and over, and over, again with you each day." 

He smiled at you, so badly wanting to just kiss those lips of yours. It was now his time to say his vows.

"I promise to give you the best of myself. I promise to trust and respect you as your own person and realize that your interests are just as important as mine. I love you with my whole heart with a passion that can't be described in words, but in kisses, glances, and years of memories that we accomplish. It's because of you that I smile and laugh more. That I became more free and open. I love you infinitely."

If you were being honest with yourself you shed a few tears, Aether was called up, handing you two the rings before going back to his seat. He and Xiao made eye contact before looking back at the couple.

You both listened closely as Mountain Carver spoke, saying your "I dos", Mountain Carver spoke one last time.

"You have opened your hearts to one another, declared your love and friendship, and have united yourself with the exchange of rings. Therefore, It is my pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." He said looking at Zhongli who was completely focused on you.

Venti began playing the lyre once more as those lips he wanted to feel so badly, finally graced him. His hands gently rested on your lower back as yours did on his chest.

The sun played a part in the ceremony, giving you that golden sheen he loved so much on you.

Now as one, the two of you connected your foreheads and let the ever-lasting warmth of friends and the sun take over.

[I have no idea how vows and all that work so please excuse that, I've only been to at least 2 weddings and that was like 10 years ago, so once more my apologies. THANK YOU FOR 1K READS!!!!! <3]

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