1- The Meet

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Two Years Ago

M/n POV:

"Koshi I don't wanna leave you!" I cried out while hugging my older brother.

"I don't either... but... we don't really have a choice." he smiled sadly down at me. I could tell he was trying not to cry.

"M/n We need to go." I heard my dad shout from the car I hugged my brother tighter before letting go and saying goodbye to my mother. When I finished saying my goodbyes started to walk towards my fathers car where he was waiting.

"M/N WE'RE GONNA TALK EVERYDAY! YOU HEAR ME!" I turn around while my dad starts to drive away only to see Koshi standing in the middle of the street yelling at me.

I stuck my head out the window and yelled "I THOUGHT THAT WAS ALREADY IMPLIED!" back at him before we turned off the street. I pulled my head back inside the car sitting down in the process, I rolled the window up sad that I left my mom and brother but also excited. Next year I was going to Aoba Joshai and I might play on the volleyball team to try and beat my brother again.

Present time

I sat in my dorm room unpacking the boxes I brought with me. 'This is gonna be a long two years' I thought to myself while pulling out my laptop. I was really grateful to be at the famous Shiratroizawa believe me I was, what I didn't want was to be away from Koshi any longer. it had already been two years, sure I see him every couple of months but I just miss seeing him everyday. not to mention the days I didn't see him were the ones I had to spend in that awful house with those horrible monsters.

I shuddered at the thought of my dad and step-mother "Glad I don't have to live with them for another two years." I quietly muttered to myself. as I was looking through the box in front of me where I put something Koshi gave me as a present before I left I started to panic not seeing nor felling it in there. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, DON'T TELL ME I LEFT IT THERE!" I whisper shouted at my self.

"Um... are you... o-okay?" I quickly shot my head up looking to see who was talking to me. I saw a boy about my age with uneven bangs looking at me very confused.

"You must be my roommate. I'm Sugawara M/n nice to meet you." I said as I stood in front of him offering a handshake.

"Yeah... no."

"Its rude not to shake someone's hand ya 'know." I said annoyed with the whole situation.

"I. Don't. Care." and with that he flopped down on his bed. I rolled my eyes going to sit back down in front of the box I was still riffling through. as i was moving the things in the box around somethings from the box where clinking against my rings and bracelets I had on.




"OMG CAN YOU STOP THAT!" I stopped and looked up at an annoyed setter with a smug look on my face.

"Stop what? This." I started to shake my hand around in the box making more clinking sounds, out of spite just to annoy him. that is until I felt something I stopped what I was down and looked down inside the box to see the skirt Koshi gave me before I left.

I held it up out of the box in victory "Found it." I was about to put it down and resume unpacking when someone snatched it out of my hands.

he spread it out holding each end looking at the simple design on it. "is this a skirt?" he said while laughing a bit, me being annoying replied with an angry 'yes' but before i could get it out of his grasp the door to the room flung open. reveling a very tall guy with spiked up red hair.

"Shirabu~ Are you-" he stopped at stared wide eyed and confused about Shirabu holding a skirt. he started laughing,

"Why do you... have a... skirt" he somehow managed in between laughs. I sprang up from where I was sitting and ripped to skirt from his grasp before he could do anymore damage.

"Its not mine asshole. its theirs." point to me someone who I'll learn soon to be Tendou started to laugh again. I walked over to the desk where I put my laptop, signed in and opened Google. 'How to hang someone with a skirt' Tendou peered over my shoulder seemingly to read what I had typed and went pale.

"Ill be leaving now. See you at practice tomorrow Shirabu~" once he finished he skipped his way out of the room. I closed my laptop and let out a sigh of relief happy that he was gone and i could continue with what I was doing. I was sitting in front of the desk continuing to unpack in silence. without warning the door to the room flung open and slammed shut which made me just back, ultimately hitting my back on the desk behind me.

A cup of water fell and spilled all over me soaking my white shirt and jeans. I glared at the taller male leaning up against the door "And why the hell are you here." I knew that Shirabu said it and I didn't need to.

"Tendou was running through the halls calling my name and I need somewhere to hide, your room was the closest."

I got up and walked over to my dresser which already had all my clothes in it "Doesn't mean you get to brag in here like that." pulling out a change of clothes I hear Shirabu say "I totally agree with Sugawara. why don't you go bug Ushijima-senpai with hiding from Tendou-senpai." 'Senpai huh he sure as hell didn't act like it.'

"Because he's roommates with Tendou and you know that!" I scoff and walk into the bathroom to change muttering "still doesn't mean you can barge in here."

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