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This does include some abuse so...

M/n POV:

Shirabu and i were walking to class, when we got there we took our usual seats in the back. instead of paying attention I just decided to silently judge everyone, sitting in the back is the best for doing this. I think the teacher kept glancing at me probably to keep an eye on me. i don't know why she thought she needed to do that because well I'm not a bad kid or anything.

I looked over to where Hisa was and she had her head resting on her hand, clearly asleep. how to teacher didn't notice well that's because Hisa has mastered the talent of sleeping with her eyes open. when the lunch bell rang everyone put their things away and walked out of the classroom. I walked over to Hisa and pulled her arm from under her head making it fall onto the table.

she groaned in pain and glared up at me since I was standing in front of her desk "Oh it's just you. well, let's go I guess."

"Why are you so unenthusiastic today?"

"I didn't sleep well." we walked to the lunchroom Hisa almost falling asleep in multiple places, when we got there Hisa went to go sit down after getting her lunch. i followed after when I got there she was already asleep. since she decided to sit beside Kenzo I dropped to tray down in front of him next to Hisa's sleeping figure.

she jolted awake "Let me sleep, you fucking idiot." she threw an orange at me which I caught, and sat down in between Asami and Shirabu.

"If you wanted to be able to sleep then maybe you should do that at night."

"I told you I couldn't sleep." she put her head back down on the table falling back into sleep. we all decided to ignore it and just continued with making conversation and eating, well they were eating I again was not hungry.

when my phone made sound signaling i got a text the people I was sitting around looked at me, "I didn't know you talked to anyone outside of her M/n."

"I don't Ryoma. who the hell..." I trailed off at the end when I looked at my phone. "Shit."

"What?" -Kenzo

"Kenzo it's rude to talk with your mouth full. anyway, it's my dad he wants me to come to see him today after school."- M/n (Me)

"Is that a bad thing?" -Kenjiro

"Yes, before you ask he is extremely homophobic so it's not the ideal situation." -Me

"Then don't go." -Hisa

"I kinda have to. it's either I go to see him or he comes here." -Me

"Well, I wish you luck in your excursion to the outside of the wondrous world of Shiratorizawa." -Asami

"Good to know someone's making this a joke." after the sentence left my mouth the bell rang and we all hurried to class. i was dreading for school to end. It was only Wednesday and this week has already gotten way longer, I felt like it was Monday again. "Hey, do you think that if I make up some excuse I could get out of it?"

"What would you say to ensure that you don't have to see him."

"Great of you to ask Kenji, I have been thinking about this for quite a bit, I would just jump off of a building. he definitely wouldn't come then."

"You have a serious problem." we walked into the classroom people were there so we had to stop discussing the matter of me possibly jumping from a building. we sat down and I pulled out my sketchpad, not the one that had drawings of Shirabu. I worked on the gym doors from the sketch I had started a couple of weeks ago or was it months. i can't remember but I never finished it so I worked on it.

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