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M/n POV:

I woke up and it was dark in the room, as usual, but something felt weird. i picked up my phone and turned on the flashlight, pointing it to the corner of the room I didn't see anything. i felt a weight on me so I looked to my side and saw Shirabu 'how the hell did I not notice?' I looked back at my phone turning the light off and checking the time, I always have my brightness all the way down since I'm like that so it wasn't too hard to adjust to the faint light it was producing.

2:00 am that's what was wrong it was way earlier than I usually wake up. i wasn't tired not in the slightest and I could go back to sleep. I did what any reasonable person would and pushed Shirabu off the bed waking him up. i leaned over the bed looking at him, "Why would you do that?"

"Because i need to wake you up. we're going somewhere."


"Not telling now get ready." I climbed out of bed going over and turning on our room light, I changed my clothes and brushed my teeth Shirabu doing the same. I grabbed my phone and wallet putting them in my hoodie pocket. i slipped on my sneakers and Waited for Shirabu. once he was ready we started down the hall locking our door behind us, not like it stops anyone but still.

when we got off school grounds I grabbed Shirabu's hand and started walking to our destination. we were still holding hands when we arrived at the front of a 24-hour department store, "This is what I was dragged out of bed for?"

"Yes." I pulled him into the store behind me.

"What are we even doing here?"

"I was bored and so we're looking around until I find something interesting."

"There is something seriously wrong with you."

"And yet you still decided to be with me." we were walking around the store for a bit and I was in the art aisle looking at all the books they have.

Shirabu was invested in something else while I was still looking at the covers of the books when we heard an annoyingly familiar voice "Semisemi c'mon."

I looked up at Shirabu since I was sitting on the ground and he was standing behind me to the right, "Oh shit. run." I got up and started heading down the aisle quietly and quickly with Shirabu beside me. we made it to the shelving with all the school supplies, I don't think Tendou will come here.

Shirabu and I stayed there for a bit until we decide to cut through the clothing section to try and avoid Tendou and Semi along with who knows else, while walking through the clothing section I heard someone else I knew "Makki what am I doing here again?"

"Because Iwaizumi I want your advice on clothes."

"Why couldn't you draw Tooru here instead of me."

"Because you obviously have the better fashion sense."

I peered over around the wall separating another clothing section from this one, "Shit. why do I run into people I know everywhere i go?"

"Who's there?"

"Two people from my old school, let's go the other way." i grabbed his hand again and walked the other way across the clothing section, it was dark and there was almost no one in the store. everyone that was there is children either in middle school or Highschool so I think we didn't have to follow many rules.

We walked past those things in the middle of the aisle that holds all of those big stuffed animals and i had a brilliant idea. I let go of Shirabu's hand and walked up to it climbing into it and sitting there. "Just why?"

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