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M/n POV:

I was on my phone and didn't realize how much time passed until the gym door opened, and someone poked their head in "Hey do you happen to know if M/n Sugawara is here?"

I looked over at the door seeing Tomoya and Naoki standing there, I grabbed my bag hiding behind a row of chairs, "Yeah he's over there."

I got up quickly got away from the stands "Please with all disrespect, leave. me .alone." I pushed them aside walking away waving to my brother before I left, Noaki and Tomoya went after me, when I heard something from behind me I glanced back seeing them both walking after me. 'fuck.' I pulled out my phone texting someone when I got a response I called the number.

trying to keep my voice from shaking I started a seemingly normal conversation, I continued walking down the street until I went into a store. I walked around for a bit until I was sure they couldn't see me leave as they had followed me in. when I was sure I quickly left the store and told the person I was talking to that I would be there in a bit, as I quickly made my way down the dimly lit streets of Miyagi.

when I made it to the front of the house I knocked on the door and a girl shorter than me answered "Who the hell are you?"

"Is Takahiro home?"

she then called down her brother and her mother told her not to yell. Makki came down the stairs "Oh you are already here. so I guess this is how I shall tell Mattsun." his- I'm guessing -sister reluctantly let me in, I took my shoes off and followed Makki up to his room. "I have brought a homeless child."

Mattsun was about to question it when I walked in "I mean it's not far from the truth but, why did you have to say it like that?" '

Makki started laughing which made Mattsun laugh, I stood there not laughing since I didn't know why they were, his made Makki start wheezing "i-... I was joke... joking but wh.... what the hell."

"Would you prefer I lie, no? exactly." I went over to Makki's desk and sat down on the chair looking at the two hysterical teens that were almost adults. "You know when you two finally grow up, in like 10 years you'll become a menace to society."

"Wait isn't that what you already are?"

"Ok but that's not the point, and you didn't deny that you'll grow up in 10 years."

"No point in denying something true."

"Alright Makki since you are living such an honest lifestyle, I have a question."

"Child in the corner what is it?"

"So I've noticed some things over the last two years and I think I need an answer to this question." I got up from the chair sitting on his desk instead. "Hanamaki Takahiro, are you gay? or at least into men at all?"

"Are you implying something?"

"Not what you are thinking, I have a boyfriend thank you very much. but answer the question please."


"That's answer enough, and I think you know what I notice, I mean it's pretty obvious if you know what to look for, just like you." I pointed to Mattsun who looked surprised from getting the attention turned on him. I tried to draw this out as long as possible since, after this was over I was hoping to get back to the school so that I wouldn't have to deal with it in the morning, also if I happened to be wrong then it would be really awkward.

after about half an hour I broke the silence "So my investigation/interrogation from earlier would you like me to continue?"

"Oh yes please, I would like to know what Mattsun hasn't told his best friend."

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