3- What are you doing here

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M/n POV:

It was still early so classes haven't started yet. 'There's barley anyone in the halls.' I pulled out my phone to check the time '6:30. great classes don't start for another two hours. ugh Shirabu really is a bitch isn't he.' I was pretty annoyed that he woke me up way before the school day even starts, I decided to walk around and get a good layout of the school so I wouldn't get lost at lunch or something. when I walked down to the first year level still not many people.

I went out to the court yard hoping to find something to distract myself with, I noticed a hill close to the middle of the yard and went up to get a better view. when I made it up the hill and sat down against the tree I noticed people staring at me. being the anti-social bean I was put my headphones on and started to play music.

Still a little uneasy with the stares I grabbed out my sketchpad along with a pencil and started to draw. I had to music down pretty low so that I wouldn't miss when the school bell rang, after like and hour I finished my very detailed drawing and checked the time. '7:45. people might be in the halls now, I should probably get to class while I still have time.' I put my drawing stuff away along with my headphones, got up and walked back into the school. once I got to the stairwell is started to walk faster because of all the awkward stares.

'Why are they all staring at me?' I wasn't one for attention so I kept my eyes trained on the floor in front of me as I walked quickly trying to get into my classroom. Surprisingly I never bumped into anyone. After not being able to find my classroom I checked the time '8:20. I've really been walking around that long? well at least its obvious its my first year here now.'

I looked around trying to find someone who could help me ins my class. I walked over to a girl and her friend hoping they could help me. "Hey, excuse me, I don't mean to bother you but I need help. I'm a little lost." I smiled nicely while rubbing my nape hoping she could actually help me.

"S-sure where do you need to go." I don't think she realized she stuttered but I definitely noticed. 'Iwaizumi was right I am to observative for my own good.'

"I need to find class four but I don't really know where it is."

her friend responded before she could "I'm actually in that class I'll walk with you."

"thanks so much." The girls friend and I started to walk down the hall at getting to know each other. mostly just small talk though, when we got to the class it was 8:35 and classes already started.

When she opened the door I heard the teacher talking to her. "Ms. Natsuki I hope you have a good reason for being late." she crossed her arms you know the usual mad teacher stance.

"Yes I was showing the new student around."

"Oh is he with you. Please come in." I stepped into the class scanning over everyone until I noticed someone with a stunned/mad/confused expression I really didn't know. "Class this is Sugawara, M/n he'll be your new classmate. Mr. Sugawara you can sit by Mr. Shirabu Kenjiro, Mr. Shirabu please raise your hand."

I saw him not wanting to but nonetheless he did and I happily walked over and sat in the empty seat beside him. "What are you doing here." he snarled quietly looking at his desk.

"Why so hostile Shirabu, and to answer your question I just so happen to go to school here to ya' know." with a smile on my face I whispered back not wanting to get in trouble for talking in class. "Wipe that stupid smile off your goddamn face." I didn't reply, just looked back at my books and started to pay attention 'Well this is gonna be fun. With this I'm so going to get him to switch rooms.'

After class I still didn't know where the cafeteria was so i just stayed in my seat while everyone started leaving. Shirabu didn't get up yet but once he did he stood in front of my desk glaring at me with his hands on my desk "I thought you had to be smart to be in college prep classes."

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