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m/n pov:

it's been a couple years and i'd celebrated my 26th birthday a week ago. semi and i became closer and we started a band with a girl called Quinn that we bought an apartment with. these past years have been the best of my life but living in Bellingham washington is exhausting and Eita and i got homesick.

we conned Quinn into spending time back in japan with us for our next concert and after. it would only be for a month. standing at the terminal i was getting cold feet and not just because we had to do an interview right as we got there. "dude relax, he's going to be waiting for you i just know it."

i smiled at Eita and we all got on the plane in first class. "what if he hates me, i mean i did leave him so abruptly and he hasn't responded to my messages in ten years he probably forgot about me."

Quinn chimes in "then he's not worth it, i can still set you up with my friends if you want."

she debated with me the whole time and when we landed cameras were shoved in our faces and microphones shoved down our throats as well. "so much for traveling silently. someone's gonna hate me for this." i said sarcastically.

Eita laughed "his moms probably too old to remember by now." we made it out of the airport after a short and into the car driving to the interview spot. "so there was a complication but we finally got them here hopefully safe and sound, introducing everyone's favorite cover band 82 flight attendants." as the host introduced was we walked out and sat on the couch across from her waving at the cameras.

"so everyone is wondering m/n are you dating someone?"

i sighed and smiled at her "well not currently i actually just got out of a relationship so gentlemen you might have a chance." i said jokingly at the camera.

the interview continued and it was difficult being in front of the camera the whole time answering questions. when it ended and we went back to the hunted i collapsed on one of the beds while Eita and Quinn did couple things in the other bed. i hated being around them because it reminded me how single i am.

when we met up with the team at the diner by shiratorizawa i was trapped "if i knew this was a team reunion i wouldn't have come." i said to semi as i was forced to the window. i was on my phone talking to kenma while he was working on a thing for his business.

"off your phone now." Taichi said and i set it on the table Hisa grabbing it and setting it on her lap. "i hate you two, sometimes i wish you never became friends."

Mei ran in sitting in between Taichi and Reon, Reon stood up and went to the bathroom. Tendou walked in "Babe stop running off i can't handle it anymore." he whined holding a child with bright red hair. "uhm!?" i asked when he passed the child to Mei and she started talking to the kid nicely.

"oh Tendou and i got married two years ago." Mei said holding up her hand to show off her ring. "it was small and we didn't invite anyone besides family." Tendou added on. i looked at her "so... Tendou Mei? i guess we have to call you Satori." i said jokingly.


Hisa looked at the kid "what's this ones little name?" Mei looked at her his name is Theo and his sisters name is Leona, Kenjiro is bringing her later since Satori's sister needed help with taking her somewhere."

Eita looked at the two of them "wow such good parents you don't know where you daughter is."

Satori looked offended "we do, she's with my sister."

Kenjiro walked in with their daughter and handed her to Satori, "sometimes i do want kids." he said annoyed and they all shoved shirabu to sit next to me. the night was odd we all talked about adult stuff before heading to Quinn, Eita, and mine show. we played a song "if you can't hang" which was great for me because i had more time to play drums which was what Kenjiro was looking at i could tell.

after the show he came up to me "i'm sorry but i just can't stay away from you." he said before kissing me. he wrapped his arms around my neck and i grabbed his waist. a girl ran up to us "DADDY YOURE HERE!!" i heard the little voice call out.

Kenjiro and i turned around and Eita looked shocked by this. Shirabu and i separated and i picked up the little girl. "hey baby how are you?" i asked and smiled and hugged me, "i missed you so much, dad married a new woman and she's mean, she won't let me play drums after school." i laughed before hugging her tighter.

"well maybe you should do your homework first, i always finished mine before doing anything." she seemed angry and hit me lightly on the head "that's not what you're supposed to say."

Shirabu looked at me "you have... a daughter." he seemed kinda sad.

"Kenji it was a short fling i had with this guy and since he was trans he accidentally got pregnant since he wasn't transitioning yet and he decided to keep it. he said i could still be him Maui's life but no string attached." i cleared up and my daughter looked at him before having me set her down.

"are you dating my daddy?" she looked at Shirabu. her dad Tatsuki came up with his wife "sweetie you can't keep running off." he smiled at me and Shirabu and i had to explain that we weren't dating.

years later

"IM MARRIED BITCHES!" i yelled after all the kids left the room. the old volleyball team of shiratorizawa laughed and wooed as they all congratulated shirabu and i. "i love you." i whispered to him.

"i'm just glad your dads not here." he laughed and my mom sighed.

"i'm proud of you honey." she said hugging me.

before we unpacked anything in Maui's room in our house we decided to let here do that. "DADDY!! can i live here?" i smiled at her.

"sometimes." i said and she ran to her room "looks like you finally got your kid." i jokingly looked at Kenjiro.

"kinda want more."

"no." i smiled kissed him and went to check on Maui.

i didn't know how to end this so you're welcome for this rushed ending

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