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M/n POV:

i woke up and saw Shirabu on his phone, looking up at him I asked "How long have you been awake?"

"I just woke up." I let go of him and grabbed a change of clothes walking to the bathroom. he stayed laying down, I was a bit disappointed since I kinda wanted to shower with him but I guess not today. I left the bathroom door unlocked because even if he walked in it's nothing he hasn't seen before. when the shower was ready I climbed in, I thought I heard the bathroom door open but didn't think anything of it.

that is until I felt hands on my waist "If you wanted to join me you could've done that earlier."

he shrugged and we continued the shower. we did everything we needed to and walked down the hall, it was earlier than we usually left to avoid all of the judgemental stares. when we got to the classroom we were the only ones there, I walked over to my desk and sat down. Shirabu followed but instead, he sat on the window sill.

I had my head leaning on my hand that my elbow was propping up looking at Shirabu and sure[risingly holding a conversation, that is until I heard the annoying voice of my supposed "Girlfriend" yelling my name from down the hall. I left my arm fall across the desk my hand hanging off and letting my head fall on the table. "You good?"

the Chinami opened the door "I got it." we looked out the window like nothing happened. suddenly Tendou swung open the other class Dorr with Hisa following him, they walked over Hisa grabbing Shirabu by the wrist and dragging him out of the classroom. Tendou grabbed the back of my shirt collar and dragged my limp body down the hallway with people staring. I was done with life, to be honest, so I just let it happen, usually, I would be struggling but not this time.

when we got behind the school Tendou let my upper body fall onto the concrete steps not even thinking I could get hurt, Hisa let go of Shirabu and signaled for him to sit beside my body that is still laying on the steps. "Oh, so this is the part where you kill us," I said sitting up beside Shirabu was looking at me worriedly. i waved him off and he looked back at the two psychotic idiots in front of us.

"No" Hisa stated I felt a little unsure.

"Maybe...-" her partner in crime made me want to get up and run because they might actually be capable of doing that.

"No. we are discussing the plan."

Shirabu looked over at me then back at the annoying duo "What plan?"

Hisa and Tendou messily explained it to Shirabu which I had explained to him in a better way since I understood what the two were trying to say, I mean Koushi is just as chaotic as them. he blushed letting a dust of pink take over his features as he heard the part of us kissing in front of the cafeteria. "I don't really like that last part too much."

I placed a hand on his shoulder putting my other hand on to pit and finally resting my head onto[ both my hands letting my face rest very close to his, "Well it's either that or Chinami never stops bothering us."

"I like the first option better."

"That's what I thought and exactly why I didn't give you the third option."

"What's the third option?"

"Well Kenjiro, the third option is I move rooms and we never see each other after school or first thing in the morning again."

"Yeah, i would not have gone with that."

"Precisely." I said backing away from him looking at an unamused Hisa and Tendou "We are still here ya know."

"We know but that doesn't mean we care," Shirabu said making me stifle a laugh which caused Hisa and Tendou to look offended.

Shirabu and I picked ourselves off of the steps and started walking back into the school and down the hall to our class. when I walked in I was immediately pulled into a hug by Chinami with her friends looking at me with a firm of relief, "You got dragged away and were gone for a while i got scared."

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