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Kenma POV:

after he hung up I continued gaming until my bedroom door opened revealing the rooster head I call a friend. "Kenma."

"Yeah, yeah I know I'll get ready now." I got what I needed and went to the bathroom after I saved my game and turned off my console, I took a quick shower changing and walking back to my room. I grabbed my bags walked out to the kitchen and seeing KUroo talking with my mom. "Kuro are we leaving now?"

"Yeah let's go." he got up walking to the door grabbing his bags from where he left them and we started heading to school for morning practice.

M/n POV:

I was walking down the hall to my classroom tired as fuck because I didn't sleep last night and instead spent it staring at a screen. while talking to Kenma last night I found out that the Nekoma team would be coming up to Miyagi today so they could save the hassle of driving 5 hours here and back in like the same day. I was planning on meeting up with Kenma outside the place that they're staying today after school since I had nothing better to do.

I got to my classroom taking a seat where I was assigned to looking out the window seeing the light sprinkle outside, I got up and sat on the window sill leaning my back against the wall and placing my laptop on my legs so that I could continue editing some pictures so that I could get through the stack of work Kenma gave me. I put on my blue light glasses opening up what I was working on this morning before I had to come to the classroom.

when Hisa and Ren walked in they looked at me until going over to Hisa's desk and talking about something. when Mei came in she ran towards me stopping in front of me looking at me curiously I looked up at her "What?"

"When did you get these?"

she pulled my glasses off examining them, "Can you give them back I need those."

"I didn't know you need glasses?"

"I don't you dumbass these are blue light glasses." she looked at me confused again clearly not knowing what they were and she took a seat on the window sill in front of me. I was working intently on a photo of Yaku getting a bucket of water dumped on him. i only had to add finishing touches and then I could move onto a picture that another one of my friends took, Konoha took a picture of Sarukui getting hit in the head by one of Bokuto's spikes. Mei and I were talking but it was more like she was talking and I was listening and adding on.

she got up and walked behind me still talking I knew where she was because Shirabu did the same thing a lot so I had become more aware when people did something like this, she was standing behind me continuing the conversation watching me work on this photo. she had to leave about 5 minutes before the bell rang so that she could give Taichi the answers to something and get answers to something else apparently. i decided to sit at my desk and continue working because the window sill got boring.

while I was working the bell rang and my teacher walked in which is when I actually put my laptop away because if the bell is going to ring just for the teacher to be late then I'm going to be productive. I obviously made sure that my work was saved before closing my device, I mean I worked hard on the picture I'm not going to let that all go to waste. I took off y glasses putting them away smiling slightly at the teacher before putting my laptop in my bag.

the class was a bit boring, and nothing happened I was really tired so I didn't do anything and I'm sure the teachers loved that. when the lunch bell rang Mei and I made our way to the lunchroom, we took a seat at a table in the corner. I pulled out my laptop putting on my glasses as to not damage my eyes since I'm going to be looking at this screen for about 40 minutes without doing anything else.

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