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Semi's POV:

I woke up to being pulled off my bed. "What the fuck-" I saw Tendou standing above my lifeless body on the ground.

"Semisemi get ready and let's go." he was being awfully quiet which I found pretty weird until I looked over a Yamagata's bed and saw him still sleeping.

"Tendou what do you mean let's go? what time even is it?"

"I mean we're going to Shirabu and Sugagwara's room and it's 4 in the morning."

"Ugh fine just let me shower and get dressed."

"better make it quick we have to get there before 5."


"That's when they wake up, now no more questions. go get ready."

I got up off the ground and got everything for my shower. I left Tendou to wait in my room while I get ready for sneaking into someone's dorm. 'Why did I agree to this, oh wait I didn't have a choice.'

after I got ready I grabbed my bag and left the room to find Tendou waiting for me in the hallway. "C'mon it's almost 5 we have to hurry." he grabbed my wrist dragging me through the hall to the second-year wing.

on the way I kept wondering how he got into my room, then I realized it's Tendou and it's better not to question what he does. we reached their door and Tendou pulled something out of his pocket, "Tendou how did you get a fucking key to their room?!" I never thought he still had a key.

"I'll tell you later." he opened the door and walked in not turning on the light I checked my phone and saw the time 4:55, Why are we here again.

"To see if anything has changed between them." he then sat on a stool that was in the corner of the room I just sat against the wall, I really didn't know what to do.

M/n POV:

I was in the bathroom changing and brushing my teeth before school. i woke up at 4 openings that I could get everything I need done and leave before Shiabu woke up for the day. at around 5 I heard noises outside the bathroom door, not knowing what it was I turned the light off.

i pulled out my phone to check the time 4:55, what the hell would be out there Shirabu doesn't wake up for another 5 minutes. I opened the door to the bathroom and saw two things turn to face me, I screamed not knowing what was there.

It was enough to wake Shirabu who yelled at me because I was being too loud. Then the light turned on and I saw Tendou and... SEMI?! why the hell would he be here. i heard Shirabu from his bed "Tednou-senpai, Semi-senpai what the hell are you doing there?"

Semi stood up and raised his hands in defense "I was dragged out of my room for this, I didn't know what we would be doing here."

I looked over at Tendou who was sipping a can of Arizona tea very loudly while sitting on his stool. "Why did you draw Semi with you this time?"

"I was going to be lonely, plus why wouldn't I bring Semisemi?" I got up off the bathroom ground where I had fallen and walked out of the bathroom. I went over to my desk where I sat down in my chair and spun around to look at Semi and Tendou. "Tendou-senpai I would like you to explain I mean I've got time."

Shirabu looked at me then at Semi and Tendou "I would rather not." then he went back to very loudly sipping his tea again. Shirabu and I looked at Semi expectedly and he didn't reply with an actual answer.

"I don't even know what I'm doing here. so don't ask me to explain." Shirabu got up grabbed a change of clothes and went to the bathroom to I assume shower before we left for school.

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