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M/n POV:

when the lunch bell rang everyone started getting ready, Hisa ran out of the room leaving me to walk with Shirabu, not that I mind but still. "so what actually happened with your dad?" SHirabu asked me while we were walking down the hall to lunch.

"You know the usual: he yelled at me for being gay, turns out I have a thing for making people mad since he got physical, nothing different than what usually happens." Shirbau looks at me like I was crazy which I didn't really understand since it was normal to me and I didn't think anything of what happened. when we sat down at the lunch table I asked "What?"

"That's not normal."

"It isn't....?"

"Um- no."

"Oh... I guess it really isn't, according to some people."

"You mean according to like... everyone."

"What are you guys talking about?" Ryoma interrupted our conversation by asking the question that got both of our attention.

"Apparently it's not normal to get beer bottles thrown at you." I wanted to actually see what they would do and if they would think it's normal as well or not.

"Dude what the hell is happening at your house?!" Asami asked a bit too loudly causing Tendou and Semi to look over at me since they were sitting right beside our little add-on group.

"A lot."

"Have you ever thought to call the police?"

"You know what Hisa that's a great idea." sarcasm at its finest. "I actually can't do that."

"Um and why not?" Semi added onto the conversation

"Let's just say... I haven't..... done the most.... legal things in the past." a collective sigh was let out from the people that sat surrounding me, "What it was fun, WA si not supposed to do it?"

"No, no you weren't," Tendou said finally acting like an adult for once, I did know he could do that. all of us ended up talking about that matter and they forced it out of me, I also couldn't call CPS since they don't really do anything. after lunch they were still disappointed in me, "You guys are making such a big deal out of this... it's not that bad."

"not that- you know what never mind." our group split up Ryoma catching up to Taichi so that they could go to their class, while Kenzo and Asami ran down the hall in a race trying to beat each other to class 2-1 I think it was. while Shirabu, Hisa, and I all made our way to class 2-4. when we got their Chinami glared at me from her seat "Looks like she's back to normal."

"You looks like it, how about we go to our seats I don't think I want to be stared at anymore," I said ushering Shirabu to the back of the class. we were talking about the other schools and about what's put on their gossip columns since why not.

well, we were until Chinami came up "Hey Sugawara-kun."

"Um... what?"

"As a class representative, I'm going to have to ask you to start paying attention."

"Well, you've asked me, now I'm not going to listen. shoo shoo." I made a sweeping motion with both my hands at her to show her that she needs to leave.

she scoffed "You better pay attention." then she walked away putting up the sweet act and going to her friends talking about something, probably girl talk let's be real. i don't know Chinami and her friends look like they would talk about nails and shit. I leaned a bit towards Shirbau "Dude what do you think they're talking about?"

"Probably something dumb." I nodded my head in agreement, one of the girls looked at me and smiled I didn't smile back in fact I didn't show any emotion to the gesture. when the teacher came in the class started, nothing new it was all just the same boring stuff. I was really bored but managed not to fall asleep which is a huge success since I usually sleep in class.

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